“Shit, why this guy!?”
Of all the unique characters he could’ve transmigrated as, it had to be the bastard instructor.
Vanitas Astrea.
A third-rate middle game boss, who was dismissed from the University after severe allegations, losing his teaching profession and ultimately, exiled from the Empire.
“.....How did I even get here!?”
Vanitas must now circumvent his way around this new world, confront his past, mend broken relationships, and prevent looming tragedies that would lead to his demise.
More illustrations in the server.
Discord: https://discord.gg/zukKB2ppDp
Honestly, this is great. I know Athex already from Extra Descent which was quite well written. The story so far is quite intriguing, ticking all the boxes that I crave. I especially like the writing style which I find the most pleasing when reading. Honestly, good luck with the novel. It's looking like a banger so I hope it does become one.
Absolute peak fiction written by the goat himself. Also tsukasa, it doesn't matter that I am slow when I was THE FIRST READER of this novel.
Aight, Young Sosa on the review h o *. Before I start, I'll clarify things a bit. I seldom review novels, finding it a hassle to do so. So if I am reviewing a novel, then yall should already get its a good novel. There's no glaze involved. Okay maybe a little, it's a review for my homie after all. But don't worry I won't unnecessarily and blindly just give everything a 5 star without any reasons. My position as a moderator of this novel has nothing to do with the review of this novel. Maybe with the author's feet? Yes. Anyways, I'll start to not make this hopefully long for yall and you spamming me 'I ain't reading allat.' Just read PTSD at the end for an overview, yes I'm still high so I don't remember what it's called. Whatever it is. Let's start shall we. First, I'll give an overview on what this thing is and who the japanese jav idol, I mean author is. KRISPY KREME DONUTS, WE GLAZIN' After Extra's Dysfunction, yes that's what ED stands for, this japanese idol has released a new novel, shifting the brand-on to a new story (Get it? I'm sorry, that was a terrible joke I know.) This story is about a Mustard (Yes I got my goat Kendrick on loop and you know what I wanted to say here as well) who's an instructor at an academy. It's basically similar to Akashic Records of a Mustard Instructor. So if you love it, just you got enough of a reason to read it already. I can't explain more cause the amount of japanese genes author used on this novel would flag this review if I described them in detail. Aight now we move to different aspects of this mustard novel. Writing Quality. Ngl gonna lie, compared to the other novels author wrote, especially ED. The writing quality was one of the major improvements. As the first reader of ED (Yes, it's not a joke. And yes it's a brag), I have seen this jav professional improve step by step. The fighting scenes, the conversations, the dialogues, the foreshadowings. Everything. If you aren't blind, even you can notice this all. You will gradually see everything get better if you start from ED and end up at this novel. So yeah, I really got nothing to complain about Writing Quality. In fact, I'll state this here, his writing style, I actually found so efficient and good that I tried copying it into my style because I tended to write overly descriptive. Just saying this here to say, that in my humble opinion, I love the quality and style. Of course, if it doesn't apply to you then... I don't know, just rephrase it in your mind. Stability of Updates: Sigh, alright here, I got a problem with author. No, it's not a problem for everyone but me personal. The stability, of course if you saw my review of ED is peak. Never seen this guy update 1 chap/per day fr for real unlike other 70% of webnovel authors that do it. He's consistent and the chapters are also of quality. So in the matters of Stability, I assure you, you ain't got anything to worry bout. This door hinge guy is pretty good in maintaining his update rate so yeah, 5. He also uploads sometimes 4 and 3 time to time for free so even better. However, here is the problem. This korean-wannabe has a stack of 100 chapters for this novel. But, spending time in the community of indians has turned this guy into a scammer. Ngl gonna lie author, you better hide before you hear the sound of ticking under your chair. Better upload all those stack chaps and bonus chaps of castles, or all you hearin is BAN* BAN*. Yes, I'm Pakistani. What did you expect? Story Development: Peak. Yes, Peak. This is one of the things that this author improved a lot in. From simple cliche plots of ED to peak foreshadowings and deep plotlines, he went far and beyond in this aspect. I am truly not glazing here. You can see for yourself in this novel. Just the first ARC ITSELF, would make you addicted to this novel like it was a ****. I'm already high so I don't think I'd surv*** tbh be honest. The way it unfolds and reveals along with every aspect of the story is definitely an amazing ability of the author. So, yeah, a 5. Character Design: Again, a definite peak. The novel definitely separates itself from the rest of the novels by not just stating the personality of characters outright and showing it through dialogues and their actions instead. Despite the main character, who's name, yes, is taken from VNK no Karte with the name Vanitas Jacques Bermon Webster II. There's also the sister, whom just like ED, despite having a massive fanbase is absolutely hated by me for acting like a character from character.c.ai. Author, you should definitely **** her. (Yes, the k word not the f word. Stop your minds) But nevertheless, the character design is peak. Me not like his sister, is just my own skill issue. The author still defines and writes their personalities in a unique and loving way. Last aspect, World Background: (If you getting tired, go get a shot of Sprite, yeah don't worry, I'll wait here for you.) Sike, I'm moving on. Ha ha ha. guak guak guak. (I'm eating something not what you think.) Anyways, this is also a 5. (I can glaze this for hours but I know you guys are getting tired and want to go back to spicychat so just stick with me, okay) This is also cut out from the rest of the cliche novels with a very expansive background with a deep lore. Especially since it's a professor novel, the author explains and expands on it very much. This aspect alone gives it an edge above most of the att- i mean novels out there. There are towers, kingdoms and much more. Not only that, but despite it being so much, the author reveals it so well and with such a good rate that it doesn't feel like an info dump at all. Just trust me on this. At the end, PTSD: It's peak, yeah, just go try it. Trust me, you'll love it. Every aspect of this novel is so good that you won't regret it. Author has planned this for such a long long long time (2 days) as well that you won't notice any plotholes (holes that ever forced an author to rewrite their entire novel, ha ha ha). In any case, I promise you won't regret it. If you do, well skill issue. What? Did you expect some sort of compensation? Sike, I got indian and Pakistani genes in me bros. Ha ha ha. :tsulaugh: ANYWAYS, GO READ. METROOOOOOOOO!!
I highly highly highly highly highly recommend you read this novel
Ultimate Cinematic Work of this year by the ultimate beauty herself.
My goat has released his another book so ofc it's gonna be peak, good luck for this book (and I am first not noob)
Another peak at its making, can't wait to see how much Athex has grown from his last novel. P S:- (I will edit the review later after more chapters are uploaded.)
Another peak 5 star novel by the goat himself. As the moderator of the previous novel, I can surely say this is going to be another peak that you will definitely enjoy and I have also read unedited chaps of this. Also, ItzNeedless, you are slow bozo
Gonna be peak novel fr ................
A new peak addition to the fantasy genre .
MAGIC ACADEMY!! MAGIC ACADEMY!! MAGIC ACADEMY!! MAGIC ACADEMY!! MAGIC ACADEMY!! There's just something about this trope!!! And athex is cooking yet again
another peak for me to read !!!!!!!!!!!!
Reveal Spoiler
MABI 是韩国小说界的绝世佳作,athex 作为一位地道的韩国人,凭借其独特的基因创作出了这部令人叹为观止的作品,连像 Jee Gab Song 这样的作家也不得不为之震撼。 写作质量 - 5/5 athex 的前作《ED》在写作上已经没有任何问题,而在《MABI》中,我们看到他将自己的写作技巧进一步提升,展示了他作为专业作家的非凡实力,超越了我们在这个网站上通常见到的作品。没有任何可挑剔之处。 更新稳定性 - 5/5 从未见过 athex 有一天没有更新,尽管一天一章看似不多,但每一章的长度堪比普通网络小说的两章,完全没有让人抱怨的空间。 故事发展 - 5/5 对于普通网络小说读者来说,刚开始可能节奏显得有些缓慢,但这正是这部小说的魅力所在。它保持了高质量的写作,并且即使节奏不快,依然能让你时刻保持对下一步情节的期待。 人物设计 - 10/5 毫无疑问,这是这部小说的最大亮点。athex 在《ED》中就已经展现了出色的人物塑造能力,而在《MABI》中,我们更能看到人物形象的进一步升华。athex 无疑是这网站上,在人物设计方面最出色的作家之一,甚至可以说是最顶尖的存在。 世界背景 - 5/5 像任何小说一样,世界构建可能会让某些读者觉得有些欠缺。但我个人并不认为这是个问题,因为我们足够理解每个时刻发生的事情。世界的背景在必要时逐渐揭示,而不是一开始就全部呈现。 TLDR - 必看。 哦,当然,我是中国人。
Great start Author, I really like the story although of course there are only 4 chapters but it will be quite good in my opinion. 👍👍👍👍👍👍