Despite announcing that he would only speak to the Headmaster, who wasn't even present, Vanitas found himself bombarded with questions.
——What was that all about?
——Silas Ainsley? From the Ainsley Family?
——Where's your sister?
Naturally, they assumed that Charlotte had suddenly acted out and attacked a fellow classmate.
Vanitas sighed, visibly irritated. "Don't be ridiculous. Your brains might be that of monkeys, but at least try not to act like it."
The statement enraged some professors. However, none could retaliate, knowing Vanitas Astrea's current position in the academic world.
Still, murmurs of discontent filled the room.
"Enough," Vanitas said. "I've already explained that I will speak with the Headmaster. Until then, this matter is closed. You'll get no further comments from me."
The professors eventually backed off, exchanging uneasy glances.