Autumn [1]


A sharp sound echoed through the Ainsley Family mansion.

"Drop out," Dianna Ainsley, Silas's mother, demanded.

Silas touched his stinging cheek but didn't flinch. "Why should I?"

"I told you to watch your tone," she snapped. "I didn't raise you to be disrespectful."

Silas let out a bitter chuckle. "That's funny. I don't remember you raising me at all."

These people….

They were the real problem. They were the reason for everything that had happened. 

The Ainsley Family was highly respected in the public eye. His father, a well-known politician, promised change and progress to the people.

 But those promises were empty. 

He was rotten to the core. 

And his mother wasn't any different.

"You…. Why now?" Dianna's voice wavered with irritation. "Why are you acting out when the elections are coming up soon? Don't you care about your father? We're lucky the university buried the issue."