No Breakfast?

In a large town near the border of the Purple Forest region, was a man. This man seemed 25 years old and had an average looking face. This man was, of course, Chang Guan. At this point, a day had passed since he had separated from the Itou Merchant group.

Chang Guan had long since gone to the Adventurer Guild to receive his reward. Although the small amount of money wasn't much to Chang Guan, he figured he might as well collect it anyways.

Suddenly, Chang Guan muttered to himself,

"Hmmm, What should I do now?"

He needed to get to the Black Desert region, but there were no requests for a bodyguard there. In truth, that was completely normal since there was rarely trade between regions. He could just wait for a request to go to the Black Desert region, but who knows how long that would take, and time waits for no one.

Chang Guan grabbed the pendant hanging from his neck and took a deep look at the twin dragons on it. Then, he let out a sigh.

"I guess I'll just go there by myself."

Actually, if Chang Guan wanted to go there, the fastest way was probably to go there by himself. The main reason he didn't do so before was that he didn't know what he needed for the journey.

However, after having experienced a journey, he now had quite a clear idea in his head about this. The reason he was unwilling to do so now, was because of the enlightenment. he thought, `If an enlightenment happens once because of communicating, what's to say it won't happen like that again.´

He knew he was being greedy to hope for 2 consecutive enlightenments, but he couldn't help it. It was human nature. He sighed once more.

"Oh well"

Using this comment, he convinced himself to stop procrastinating. He decided to look around for some necessities for travel. `I'll use today to prepare and leave tomorrow.´


The next day, Chang Guan woke up and used his morning for the same as usual, trying to convince himself to get out of bed. He failed. In fact, Chang Guan couldn't remember a single time where he had managed to best his inner demon, sleep. In the end, Chang Guan continued laying in his bed for one whole hour, before escaping it.

When he finally got out of bed, he packed all of his stuff in the Spatial Ring and left the inn he was staying at. He wandered a bit before coming across a nice looking restaurant where he could have his breakfast.

As he entered the restaurant, he sat down at a random table. After a short glance at the menu, he had decided what he wanted and began cultivating.

"Good morning, sir. What would you like to have for breakfast?"

The person who asked was a waiter. The waiter had the aura of someone who was easy to bully and push around. Chang Guan didn't put up any airs and replied politely while pointing at the menu,

"I'll have some bacon and eggs, and, umm, a glass of milk, please."

The waiter, who seemed slightly surprised at Chang Guan's polite tone of speech, nodded his head, and said timidly,

"Alright, I'll return with your order shortly."

Then, he then he scurried away like a small mouse, looking extremely pitiful in the process. Chang Guan chuckled seeing this scene but quickly began cultivating once more. After a couple moments of waiting, the waiter returned, carrying a tray with Chang Guan's order placed on top of it.

"Sir, here is your order, please enjoy your breakfast."

"Thank you very much."

Chang Guan replied respectfully. Then he began gracefully eating his food and drinking his milk. when he was approximately halfway done with his breakfast, he heard an arrogant voice coming from beside him,

"Hey, you! Old man! This young master wants your seat move over!"

After saying this, a single silver coin was thrown in front of Chang Guan. When Chang Guan turned around, he saw a 16-year-old boy, who was quite chubby, standing directly behind him.

He wore a nasty expression on his face. To his left, stood another person. Fortunately for Chang Guan's poor eyes, it wasn't another nasty, obese boy, but rather a pretty lady.

Being told to move like this, two parts of Chang Guan's brain began fighting. One said, `Step away, don't lower yourself to this boy's level. He isn't worth you acting´ This was the rational part of him. The irrational part, however, said, `This arrogant jerk should get what he deserves. HMPH! Who does he think he is, ordering you around?!´

With the two conflicting voices in his head, he decided to be an adult and leave, but just as he was about to get up and leave, the fat boy yelled,

"HUH?! Why haven't you left yet? Do you know who I am? If I wanted to, I could have your entire family wiped out!"

Hearing this, Chang Guan's eyes became cold. He had slightly regretted how impulsive he had been when he punished that pickpocket a while back.

He punished the pickpocket so severely in an attempt to be mature, but it was only after having reflected, that he realized how immature he had behaved. After all, some people can't help their circumstances. But if this fellow thought it was alright to curse his family, then perhaps he did deserve death.

Chang Guan decisively stood up and glared hatefully at the fat boy. Chang Guan stood there for a moment, pondering the consequences of his actions, and then, he punched the fat boy directly in the noggin.

Of course, this punch was far from Chang Guan's maximum power, as a punch of that power would directly explode the boy's face. But this punch was nonetheless powered with his Qi, which penetrated the pig's skull into his brain. Although this punch wouldn't kill him, he would become retarded for the rest of his life.

The boy crouched over on the ground and began screeching like a pig being slaughtered. Chang Guan dropped a couple of copper coins on the table to pay for his bill and then walked out of the restaurant. As he left, he muttered to himself,

"Worst breakfast ever!"