There are things in life no one has any power on, making life as unpredictable as ever. Skyrielle knows that better than anyone. Fun fact she is the first girl born in her family in let's say ages. but its fun fact would have been insignificant had her family been a regular one... however, her family is far from regular. She's a Gi Gregory, a member of the royal house of the sky that no one even know about but that does make her a princess.
The royal house has always ruled over the thirteen islands making up the small country of Dunamis and had thirteen loyal ducal aristocratic houses be established on each island to be responsible and help govern and represented their respective territory in the high council.
However being a princess is not a piece of cake from the moment the crown prince who has been raised as a commoner due to the multiple attempts of murder on him as a child, found out that his wife was expecting a girl. He did everything he could for his child to be protected against the dangers that she will have to face by an ancient law, the veil law.
Strangely enough the next dukes in line were all expecting girls and demanded that their daughters are to be protected by the law without even knowing that there was a princess to be soon born. Well long story short they were to be raised as a commoner until their thirteenth birthday but they still would have to learn the etiquette to be proper young ladies.
Sure hiding them with some stupidly archaic super secret law that god knows how long ago it was made would solve all the problems... or so they thought.
Skyrielle knew her time was running out soon she'll have to trade her faded jeans for designer clothes and that was to be mostly composed of dresses and skirts... For short a real nightmare. But it is not she will let them rule her life at least not without a fight! After all her motto is and will always be "I'm not a Damsel in Distress, I'm a Damsel doing Damage!"
She already had allies in mind that would readily join her in her fight. They would be the only masters of their destinies.