Dear Diary...

Date: 27/04/2XXX

Dear Diary,

... Oh my that sounded far to cliché once I actually wrote it... Anyways today is my 13th birthday WwuuHhuu!! Happy birthday to me!!! WwuuHhuu!!

People might be happy but not me this means that I only have 5 months left to change the oh so well planned picture perfect life my father has planned for me...

Hence, the creation of Diary 0.0 A.K.A ZERO so from now on you are ZERO... let start with some brainstorming shall we? Just to see if we have all the basic info around about me

Name: Skyrielle Devreaux Gi Gregory a.k.a Skye Devreaux

Age: 13

Family Members:

- Father: Damian

- Mother: Isabelle

- Brother: Mikhail (16)

Things i'm good at: linguistics, Arts, Music, horse riding... [NEED TO FIND MORE THINGS THAT SEEMS NORMAL (╬ Ò ‸ Ó)]

School: Home schooled (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)


- Mountain biking (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ [not that i am allowed to do that]

- Gaming (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و [ even though according to Amma its not proper]

- Reading (⌒▽⌒)☆ [ one of the only things Amma approves of]

- Cooking (✧۝✧)/ [ Cause who doesn't like to eat]

Things I am learning in secret:

- Computer engineering and Programming

- Economics, finance and management

- Design and Architecture

Why all these you might think i'm just bored and love to learn new things having a high IQ might be one of the decisive factors though.

Now that we are over this let's start planning how to prevent my life from turning into a bad Rapunzel story though the Disney version was not that bad at least she was not a damsel in distress...

Reasons my father might reconsider my return to the palace:

* Being sick?

* Causing trouble - note to self - find ways of causing him trouble!!!

* Become a useless spendthrift? and a shame to the family?

* Studies - if i get in the Imperial Academy i'll have to stay in dorms... till at least university level...

Studies it is!!! it's less trouble I just have to stop acting dumb with the tutors and go all out...

That's it for today ZERO i'll write later when I can think of a more detailed plan...


Just as I closed ZERO Amma knocked on my door..

"Skye, it's time for your Etiquette lessons you better not be playing those stupid video games!"

I tried to held back from rolling my eyes they are not stupid my video games Amma!!! You don't like them because it's not girly enough!!

"No, Amma i'm just writing something before I forget it. I'll go to the study in a minute."

Panicked I carefully hide ZERO and pick my study materials for my lesson.

Two dreadful hours passed and it was finally free time till dinner and my birthday party made up of people working at home and my parents might show up incognito if they have time. I turned my computer on and login the community platform for my favorite game of all time "Cloaked in Shadows and Secrecy" an MMRPG with mind games quests. After secretly going through papers I really should never have laid eyes on I found out I am not the only one living like this. I tried to get in contact with the other girls and we are now working together to get out of this mess. Hence, we created a guild in the game to keep contact without attracting attention and called it 'The Wall Flowers' and our motto is "I'm not a damsel in distress, I'm a damsel doing damage!!"

I have a meeting with my guild members today to discuss our dilemmas and propose the plan that I am currently working on and actually think can work in our favor.

Skye: Is everyone here??

Alex: (-ω-ゞ Hey hey! Let's start!

Fort: (*´゚ω゚ノ Happy

Will: (≧ω≦)ゞbirthday

Evang: (`・ω・´)ゞ to

Sam: (★´ω`★)ゞ you

Magno: ☆(・ω・*)ゞ Skye

Fron: (.・ω・.)ゞHappy

Chrys: ヽ( ˘ω˘ )ゝ Birthday

Rage: (・ω・`=)ゞ To

Rav: (●`・ω・)ゞ you

Lak: (*´ω`)ゞ <Yupi!

Scar: 〆(´ω`●)ゞ Yupi

Skye: Thanks every one now back to business I've got a plan that will make critical damage to their picture perfect plan... I'll send you the details lets meet up at the chosen time prepare yourselves well we only have 2 months before D-Day. let's catch up later I have to go down for dinner. After making sure they all received and read my message I logged out and started to get ready or else Amma is going to lecture me again.

As expected my parents made a quick secret appearance and I received a lot of high end dresses to my great disappointment... but my brother did send me a new puzzle game so its the best out of all the gift since its not pink and doesn't have frills on it. Good job Big brother, I'll give you two thumbs up!

The days that followed were the same except I've been more invested in my secret studies and carefully getting ready for the day that probably will change my whole life if it's a success.