D-Day Part1

Skye was ecstatic today was the day; she is going to break free of this stupid archaic law that belong to the dark age. The results of the entrance examination of the Imperial Academy will be out in less than two hours!! The wall flowers will soon have enough power to turn the table in their favour.

Grabbing her bag she sneaked out through her window at the crack of dawn and made her way towards the one across hers at the neighbours. She did it all the time her neighbours were more like family to her, the old couple did not mind having her over. Plus it was the easiest way of not being spotted by the CCTV cameras around her house.

Once the houses were out of view Skye took her cellphone out and had Miden message the wall flowers confirming their meeting spot. Since they had all secretly taken the online entrance examination of the academy; everything had to be done swiftly. Once at the meeting point, the private qua, that made trips from the island to the smaller artificial island. The academy was built on it and it was the only way to get there other than using a helicopter, they were to take the first ferry that would leave at 7:30 am.

At 7:00 am Skye reached the quay to find the members of the wall flowers, she guess were her only friends waiting for her. They quietly paid their tickets and went to sit at the front so as to face the direction of the Academy.

"Girls, I don't know about you but I'm starting to get nervous here" said Alexiel Jansen as she tentatively looked toward the academy.

"Don't worry Alex dearest!! You are not the only one" said Fortune Eliade.

"I'm scared of the results rather than facing our fathers" said Willow Barstow, "What if we flunked?"

"Seriously!?'' exclaimed Evangeline Draven, " don't make me give you a wake up/get your mind in order slap for being a wuss."

"The examination was a piece of cake" said Samarra Wesleï. "keep that slap for later... We might all need one Evang you included of course ."

After a few seconds starring at each other the girls broke into a laughing frenzy.

"I'd rather have stomach pain from laughing too much than being nervous," said Scarlette Fitzpatrick. "By the way Magno, you're red as a tomato."

"Oh well at least my face can still be seen. Yours seems to have merged with that wild Irish red hair of yours" retorted Magnolina Eldridge.

"Way to go girl!" exclaimed Saffron Ivanovic as she gave a friendly tap on Magnolina's shoulder.

"Stop teasing each other like that" calmly said Chrysanthe Wentworth "apologise right now we have to leave the ferry in less than ten minutes ".

"Mothering them as usual Chrys? They are old enough to take care of themselves" said Mirage Delaney.

Suddenly the girls went silent and turned toward Raven Malinov; who was quietly sitting in a corner with murderous eyes. She started playing candy crush with the sound effects on again. Lilac smith who was sitting next to her started to get annoyed the game was fine but the music got to her nerves. Snatching Raven's phone out of her hands she placed it in her pocket.

"You'll have it when we get back home."

"Look!!! We're about to reach the island!" exclaimed Skyrielle trying to change the course of events that might follow if these two starts to argue with each other.