The show was about to begin now that the main characters were reaching the scene; thought Skye as she felt her friends stand by her side. At the huge gates of the Academy the girls took their courage in both hands and headed towards the notice boards containing the results of the entrance examination by ranks. They decided to start looking from the lowest rank to the highest so as not to dim their spirits.
45 minutes later...
"What should we do?" asked a worried Chrysanthe.
"Don't worry. They did exactly what I wanted them to do" Skyrielle confidently replied. "Let's go to the administrative building. But we should ask for directions since I don't have a Labelled map of the campus yet... I'll go find someone; you all wait here. Okay?"
I went in search of a member of the student council; I thought I had seen one of them around when they went through the gates. Running there I carelessly crashed into someone before landing hard on my back and felt like a stone had fallen on me; making it hard to move and breathe.
Awesome guess who is going to end up with a big bruise today? Duh me...
"I'm terribly sorry" said a deep voice.
"No I'm the one who's sorry I was not paying attention at all". I muttered as I tried to get up but lamely failed
Good job Devreaux you can't look more stupid right now...
I felt my cheeks burn as a blush spread over them as if feeling my discomfort the boy carefully got off me and tried to help me up.
"Thanks but no thanks" I said a bit annoyed at myself as I lifted my head to look at the owner of the deep voice. She was greeted by two mesmerising Familiar Arctic blue eyes...
Quickly I got up and noticed the arm band that showed that he was a member of the student council. Keep calm Skye you can do this! Take a deep breath and be quickly done with it!
"Would you please be kind enough to point out the way to the administrative building?"
"Of course! Follow me, I'll show you the way. "politely replied the boy.
"Directions will do, thank you though" replied Skye using the same tone
The boy disappointingly started to explain how to go there with great detail so that I wouldn't lose my way.
Do I look like an elementary kid or something like that even I can't get lost that easily...
I started to turn around to meet up with the others when he called out:
"I'm Mikhail by the way''
ARRGG!! I know that thank you who doesn't know who you are! Good thing you can't see my face right now because it doesn't look pretty at all.
Once in the administration office the girls headed toward the director's office. The secretary was nowhere to be seen
"Hello, is anyone here?" whispered Lilac
"Stop that it's spooky when you say it!" Said Willow as she gave Lilac a small push
"Be quiet you two" complained Alexiel
"Looks like no one is here what should we do?" asked Scarlette
"What else but come back later since no one is here." replied Chrysanthe
"There it is..." sigh Raven
"The prim and proper side of the coin is shining so..." added Saffron
"Sshhuutt!!! I hear something from there" said Evangeline
"Wait take this with you" said Samarra as she handed a stethoscope to Fortune
"I'll go you stay here till I give you the signal" said Fortune as she tiptoed to the Closed door at the end of the room.
"Why are you carrying a stethoscope around!!" Whisper yelled Mirage
"Don't ask her that I don't want to know why... Look, Fort is coming back."
"So, who is inside?" casually asked Skyrielle "Is it them?"
Fort nodded and everyone turned to Skye waiting for her plan.
"Let's Just go in unannounced with style. Since no one is around, let's give them a little fright... After all the wall flowers excel at surprise attacks."
A sly grin was slowly painted on each of their rosy lips... Skyrielle shamelessly slammed the door open.
"Surprise!" said the girls in chorus.