"I guess we can forget about the social niceties, your highness we are here to talk about an important matter." I said as I took a seat; clearly wanting to quickly solve our issues.
"What is this so called important matter that brought you all here? As far as I know, You are all about to blow your covers by being here." Said Damian; in an exasperated tone.
"We want to attend school like for real and wish to have more time before having to put on our debutantes costumes and play dolls and by time we mean obviously: years. Around 3 to 4 to make it fair." Replied Skyrielle, with a serious expression.
"Take the next ferry home now! We'll discuss this matter once we're back home, go!" ordered Damian.
"No enough is enough how long are you going to treat us like brainless dolls!!'' I shouted, "you should understand us better than the rest of them!!! Sure we have responsibilities we are not going to run from them we just don't want to lose this part of our lives!!''
The dukes had shocked expressions painted on their face at my outburst; father still had his expressionless mask on not giving away his state of mind.
"I suppose you already have a plan all prettily designed in that smart brain of yours'' calmly said Damian. " guys go to the ceremony while I have a discussion with those young ladies.''
Quickly the dukes all left the office and did as they were told. Every one of them had a sad expression painted on their face. After all they have not seen their daughters in months and might be jealous of Dad keeping us to himself. Now this is funny...
"Speak I do not have all day if your plan is do able I'll submit it to the king.''
A few moments later the girls had all said their piece to Damian; he understood what they were aiming for. However it would be a challenge to convince his father for whom ancient laws were not to be changed as they had long proven their effectiveness. Facing such a troublesome problem he could only find a compromise to satisfy every part involved in the matter...
"For now go get your schedule and class designation at the front desk, we'll have you enroll in the advanced section as class distribution depends on capabilities and scores from the examination... You took all the top positions in the ranking so go to your class and behave yourselves today is just introduction day. I don't want to hear that you were difficult with everyone..."
"We'll try to be well behaved young ladies..." said the girls in chorus. "We are going now.."
A few hours later at the main castle, official residence of the royal family.
That plan of hers is really crazy but it's so crazy that it might actually work... She clearly inherited her brains from both of her parents since she got the highest marks during the examination. But will that be enough to convince father?
"Damian, what happened? You never did show up at the ceremony" asked someone, pulling me from the monologue going on in my head.
"I know! I am really sorry but things are at a turning point if there is anything of importance happens tell me afterwards. Right now I have my meeting with father. "
Leaving them at the entrance of my fathers private wing of the castle I headed toward his private office. I knocked on the door trying hard not to remember my childhood. This place had something that never felt right to me...
"Come in"
I subtly opened the door to see my father writing on some paper at his desk, not once did he acknowledge my presence. True enough this was nothing new we had his mutual hatred going on between us; since that day.
"Father, I'm here on behalf of the princess and her ladies in waiting to submit a proposal concerning their debut in society."
"What!?" He shouted quickly standing up from his chair. " tell me I heard that wrongly and that you did not say what i think I heard you stupidly say..."
"You heard right father, they came up with a proposal. Did you really think they'd be wallflower heiresses?" I asked mockingly. "Just hear it out will you? I am sure you are up to a wonderful surprise."
I couldn't help but grin as I took one of the spare chairs and sat at his desk. Seeing the old man all worked up did have its fare share of entertainment.
"Do you mind sitting so that we can get started? I run a tight schedule and don't have time to waste with the likes of you."
Reluctantly he took seat the expression on his face was priceless.
Note to self: Thanks Skyrielle... It's going to be so fun to play with his mind just for the sake of it...