Were we wrong?

A heavy silence was reigning within the study the king obviously wasn't happy at all; he couldn't help but boil with anger at what his son just told him. It clearly was against the ways of the old ones and going against such old laws that have proven their efficiency over thousands of years could end up in a catastrophic way...

"I seems that nothing I will say will change your opinion at all... There are still a few weeks before the official start of the school year at the academy send all of the girls back to their respective ancestral homes to go though a special training! The most experience tutors will teach them individually! Then two days before the school starts they are to receive positive evaluations, if they want things to go their way. However if all of them don't... They will have to do everything as the law says without complains."

"I will make sure to let them know... if you will excuse me it seems that my schedule just got busier... Do take care of yourself... The second lady seems to be worried about you." curtly replied Damian before he hastily left the study and headed for his.

As he expected all of the dukes were waiting for him in his study... they all had worried looks and were anxious about the meeting between Damian and his father the king.

"For now go take your girls back to the ducal estate they will stay there till the official start of the school year. Father will be sending some tutors to guide and evaluate them during that period they are not to leave the estates unless they pass the the evaluation two days before the deadline. The boys are to stay on school ground these days so lets not involve them in the matter... Moreover they will be classmates after the 3 month advance preparatory program the girls will go through. "

"So we are going to do things their way?" asked Joseph Santana, Alexiel's father.

"Well if they are anything like their mothers... We don't seem to have any other option" replied Enrique De la Cruz, Evangeline's father.

"Don't go that way down memory lane I can still recall our younger days like it was just yesterday." nostalgically added Antoine De Marquez.

"It's not like we were not reckless and young wishing for a better life at one point were our own parents were trying hard to make us fit their standards." understandingly said Henry Sanders, Willow's father.

"We did force this life on them even if we did it for their own good" reflected Mathias Lendrake, Samarra's Father.

"Were we selfish in our decision?"asked Willem Galvenstein, Magnolina's father.

Silence once more settled as everyone were lost in their own thoughts trying to find their own answers to Willem's question...

"Are we restricting their growth?" finally asked Arthur Handel, Scarlette's father

"Forget about restricting them I was so surprised by their results they monopolised the top ten by 0.5 Points difference..." Daniel Vargas, Saffron's father.

"Are you trying to boast? do i need to remind you that your daughter and mine scare the same position on the list" Alistaire Jacobsen, Chrysanthe's father.

"If it is about boasting Damian is the winner don't even try to compete for the position guys you should all know this by now it has been decades for the love of my darling wife." Astor Von Shriender, Mirage's father.

"Here it goes again we can't go through a meeting without a daughter and wife boasting contest... Won't you all grow up for once. "Tomas Renaldie, Raven's father.

"My little flowers are the best no one can win against my Lilac and my Amaryllis fight all you want I am not listening to all of your self centred boasting "Nicolau Chevez, Lilac's father.

Damian couldn't help but smile at how silly his best friends were... they all grew older founded their respective families and took over their duties but they never changed in they way they were still the closed knit group of friends that could count on each other in times of need and in happy moments. He hoped that his children were lucky enough to share such a strong bond with their friends...

"I believe in the choice we made back then but that doesn't mean we can't modify our plans if it means that our daughters will find their own happiness and grow even more... For now lets put our trust in them..." Damian took a big breath before continuing, "If things go wrong I'll take on the responsibility if this ever happens i hope you will support my decision on the matter..."

"Stupid Prince!! If we go down we go down together we might not be blood related but we share a bond that goes beyond blood relations... and i know everyone here thinks the same..."

They all shared a look of understanding before each leaving to their respective daughter's safe house to take them home even if it was for a short time they can enjoy some time together