If you don't understand my silence...

As soon as she went through the doors of Wolf Hall, the crown prince residence, Skyrielle was engulfed into a tight warm embrace. She did not have to look to know it was her mother... throughout the years they might not have had the closest of the relationships but not once did she doubt the love the woman had for her.

"I'll go to my room now I won't need any dinner... Good night, mother i'll see you tomorrow." said Skyrielle as she slowly freed herself from her mother's arms.

"I see you must be tired everything is ready Anna will show you to your room. Get as much sleep as you need we'll talk later my little Skye." replied her mother as she reluctantly let go. "It's good to finally have you home."

Skyrielle gave a reassuring smile to her mother before following one of the maids she figure was Anna. Once she was out of sight, Isabelle Devreaux Gi Gregory signalled to the personnel to leave before she turn to the man she called her husband...

Damian could not help but quietly take a deep breath... oh god here it goes... looks like i won't get much sleep tonight.

"I know what you are thinking", cautiously said Damian, "Lets go discuss this in our room huh?"

Without giving even a sign as response Isabelle slowly made her way to their room ignoring the beaten puppy stares her husband was throwing at her...

None of them noticed the smiling faces of their close staff who never gets tired of their contradictory interactions. It's an open secret that Prince Damian is head over heels in love with his wife and the same goes for his princess consort Isabelle. But their biggest source of conflicts has always been and will always be how Damian follows his father's order. Even when it came to their own marriage instead of being equals in their social position the king insisted on making Isabelle a consort rather than the crown princess because of her not being of noble birth but merely the daughter of a business tycoon.

The two of them had the help of the general public pressure the king into agreeing to their union by exchanging love letters through and independent newspaper. This in-turn made their courtship one of the most followed and remembered one till today among their subjects. Exchanging handwritten love letters with your beloved was one of the most favoured means of strengthening their bonds or start a new relationship.

Since she can't stay angry with her husband for long Isabelle has the habit of not acknowledging him; it in-turn makes him babble all the information he usually keeps for himself hoping his beloved will give him all the attention he craves. But the silly reason behind this all has been Chinese fortune cookies...

During their university days while they had just started to date each other they had their very 1st fight. out of mutual anger both of them picked a fortune cookie out of the basket they were sharing with their friends. Isabelle's read, "Be quiet for a little while." while Damian's read, "Talk while you have a chance."