Wandering in the woods...

After following the maid i was not surprised at all to find that my living quarters was in fact the central tower of Wolf Hall... and that it was awfully too pinkish for me... it was a pink invasion... However sleep seemed to evade me. So like the good girl I am, I decided to go for a walk through the woods. I needed to think with a clear mind and prepare for the upcoming huddle my grandfather prepared for us.

The king has no choice but to agree to our proposition, for months I analysed and reanalysed all the laws to come up with the perfect plan. if he did not end up caving in after we succeed in going through his annoying trial we would not be the wallflowers that keeps raiding dungeons...

While lost in thoughts the crack of a branch broke the silence of the woods. i carefully looked around trying to find any intruder waiting to ambush me... before going for the logical course of action.

"Who's there?" I shouted as i pull my pepper spray from my pocket. "Show yourself!"

A louder crack resounded;

Who ever this is he's getting closer. I better hide just in case, this is supposed to be a restricted area as it is the land surrounding Wolf Hall.

I put my mask on couldn't risk being seen by anyone; it would be quite a mess to explain what I'm doing here...

Without paying much attention I wandered onto boundary separating the territories of the two wolf packs living in the area. It was a lake that was shared by the animals. I decided to sit on a rock near the shore... I then carefully removed my shoes and socks before dipping my feet in the cold water...

I always liked to sneak in the forest surrounding Wolf Hall even though I am not to blow my cover and sneaking out to the land my father is responsible of might not be smart at all. But this woods seems to lure me all the time, the fauna and flora became my own little sanctuary far from all my troubles... Legends say that this lake is favoured by nymph and spirits that bewitch people. It might be true for every time i venture here, I can't help but be captivated since the first time he caught my eyes... on the other side of the lake.