Bewitched by...

The wind suddenly picked up forming a small tornado of leaves over the lake and that's when i saw him again on the other side of the lake. Frozen I couldn't help but hold my breath. He was reading form what i could see from where i was sitting. However from this angle it was impossible for him to see me. But I was always lucky to end up seeing him each time I come here. Lets just keep it that way, watching from the other side of the lake... Arrgg I sound like some creepy stalker... Shame on you Skye you are such a bad girl.

I put my shoes back on before going back to the woods after some time; I start to heard foot steps in the forest but i couldn't tell from where it was coming. Two gentle pull on my trousers attracted my attention my sapphire blue eyes met with two pairs of opal ones.

"Oh wolf pups!" I whisper yelled In adoration as I kneel down not taking my attention away from the steady sound of crackling dry leaves and fallen branches.

What are they doing here alone? What if it is a hunter?! They should be in hiding not here; I better track their parents or pack and check on the other pack too just in case.

Swiftly I made my way through the woods toward the territory of closest pact those pups couldn't have travelled a lot they are far too young. Something's wrong really wrong I have a bad feeling about it...

"Don't worry we'll find your pack soon enough. It's going to be okay..."

Finally the wood were thinning giving way to the small clearing that was occupied by the pack during the day. The scene before me was horrible there was blood every where dead bodies. I heard some whimpers instinctively I followed them in a hollow tree trunk I found 5 more pups hiding inside. Looking at those seven pairs of puppy eyes i couldn't resist and without hesitation I took my jacket off and tied it in a way to help me carry them all home.

Looks like I've got loads of new friends lets hope I'll be allowed to keep them I still have to check on the other pack but will it be possible with me carrying them all?

"Let's go home buddies I'll check on the other pack later. I sincerely hop your puppy eyes are effective all the time or else we are all dead meat... The master of Wolf Hall will cut us into pieces... if it doesn't work unless we try to get the master's beloved wife on our side... Lets do some planning while we go back home okay?"