The king really had no intention of allowing them to succeed the trials he set for them. Each of them had to give it their all if they wanted to outwit these old grannies as Mirage had nicknamed them throughout those days. Skyrielle did get in trouble for keeping the wolf pups but in the end her mother had use her killer moves on her father and he had no choice but to give in.
The night after finding them she went to look for the other pack that was on the opposite side of the lake but failed to find them. She informed her father of the matter and they were currently looking for the hunters. The wolves of wolf hall were protected as it was a an endangered species, once caught they will be prosecuted and get high sentences.
Time passed slowly yet quickly they suffered during the day then the night went by in a flash but it was soon the day they were to be announced the result of all these tortuous days.
The king's study...
Properly aligned into two rows the tutors sent to the various ducal estates were waiting for the king's final decision after having each given their respective reports. Mean while Damian was pacing in the hallway waiting to be summoned.
"If that is all you have to report, you can leave. I'll ponder some more on the matter let my son in on your way out."
Damian entered the study once all the tutors left and took a seat while waiting for his father's decision concerning the girls demands.
"Read the reports for yourself once you are done we will talk."
"Yes, father I'll do that now."
One hour later Damian left the study with a heavy stone on his heart as he made his wait to the meeting room his friends were waiting in. They had a lot of planning to do and a limited amount of time to do so... but he truthfully hope it will all be for the best and that everyone will be happy with the flow things are going in.