Mystery box...

6:45 am

The wallflowers simultaneously open their bedroom door only to find a package with their family crest on it blocking their way out.

"Is this some sort of trap or bait or even better pity but we are sorry bait"

Open the box... took the letter on top of the wrapped content and started to read it

"Oooooooohhhhhh mmmmmyyyyyy ggggggooooooddddd!!!!!!!!!! We did it!!!!!"

Rush back in the room carrying the box turn the communication mode on as they got ready. They diligently followed every details written the their student handbook. Its their first day they can't be rebellious right from the start could they... if they were they wouldn't be the wallflowers.

once read they went to greet their mothers and have a quick breakfast after all none of them wanted to be late for their first day at the academy. From the content of the letters they each respectively received they were to report to the school chairman before the morning assembly and official class assignment. Once they set foot on the island they would just be a bunch or geniuses on scholarships. The princess and her aristocratic friends will have to be under their sleeping spell for a few more years.

It was finally happening... the wheel of fortune is turning in their favour the new dawn they were waiting for has finally come after years of being trapped in the darkness of the night...