The New Dawn

30 minutes before homeroom


Administrative building

I was going through the student handy books of the girls when two confident knocks resounded in the office. I took a deep breath while pinching my nose bridge. Can't they be late for once?

"Come in!" I reluctantly said as i put the final touch to the documents i was to give to the girls. A chorus of "pardon the intrusion" and "Good morning, chairman" filled the silence.

"Let me tell you all something and I'm going to say it just once understood?"

At my words the girls clearly were on their guards. I passed in front of each of them handling them a folder with all the information they would require as new students.

After checking the contents all thirteen pair of eyes came focused on me. Feeling slightly amused at their seriousness and shock, i couldn't help but grin.

"Congratulations on passing the entrance examination and occupying the top ranks!!!"

"Sir, can we request something please?" Asked Skyrielle.

"Yes, what is it?"

Suddenly it felt like i was being crushed and all air got knockout of my lungs.

"Thank you for believing in us and helping us. We'll do our best!! But it seems to be a misprint on the documents."

"I don't expect anything less but the best from you." I said in a surprisingly emotional voice. Sobering up i continued deliberately ignoring the misprint comment. This is going to be so much fun I'll tease them a lot before they leave my office." back to serious matter shall we?"

"Yes, sir!"



Our homeroom teacher, Kazuto Minami alias min-tan; used to be a trainee teacher and to a certain extent could be considered as an elder brother of some sort since his parents both worked for my family; we were childhood friends. Well Kazuto is cool except when he's royally pissed off or grumpy.

"Hey class good morning to you all lets all get along during this new school year I'm as you all might know Kazuto Minami and shall be your homeroom teacher."

"Hey min-tan! Why are there additional seats?" asked one of my friends.

"Yeah there is only 13 of us in this class after all its the advance elite class." added another.

"Hmmm you'll see later we have to attend morning assembly 1st. There are a few surprises this year." Replied Kazuto. "No pouting get your lazy bodies to the gymnasium members of our most esteemed student council. If you don't god knows how many girls will start crying."

"Whatever!!!" We all replied in chorus. As we left the classroom. "But a gentleman only makes girls shed tears of joy."

Well it seems i was right yesterday maybe this year will be far more interesting. I can't wait to hear or see what this so called surprises are.