After the bell signaling the end of the lunch hour there was a slight knock on my door.
"Come in"
"Pardon the intrusion your Highness."
"You seem worried son... but let me take a guess it has to be because of Skyrielle?"
"Yes, i really can't hide anything from you now, can i? She worries me... she sneaked in the forest again and didn't come back empty handed. We have yet to determine who murdered the wolves. Its dangerous out there and we have always warned her of never going out alone."
"From what I heard you both did not go home empty handed that night. You should be careful too... Both you and Skyrielle are so alike yet at times polar opposites that I'm sure its going to soon give me grey hair."
"Is that so? I think you'll be bald before even starting to show any greying hair."
"Watch your mouth kid! I don't plan on getting bald yet. Well, how much longer do you plan on wearing those glasses, coloured contacts and that special hair dye? You'll eventually have to take your father's place and lose your second identity."
"I know that but for her i'd do anything just to be by her side. The first time I saw her my life was inevitably linked to hers. I'll fulfil my duty when the time come. But i know that when it does I'll never be able to stand by her side and will have to become a shadow never to appear before her."
"There are days where i don't know if i should kick you for talking about my baby girl like that."
"What can i say your Highness... It can't be helped. Country has long forgotten the existence of my bloodline even among the aristocracy we are nothing but myths. People forgot that we are the ones at the head dukedoms."
"Well off you go you do have class to attend... we'll talk later. For now just look after her Dark Wolf, she is in your care."
"There are two things i don't like being called by you 1st there is son and second is Dark Wolf... By now you should get the memo and stop calling me those... For I'm not your son just your god son Uncle Damian."
With this he left my office. That brat never changes... Well the next meeting with father will be about who will get engaged to whom... I'd rather they choose for themselves it would be less a problem they already are difficult to deal with... but dealing with them while they are angry is a whole different story.