The last bell rung and students slowly made their way to their dorms or the ferry to go back home. As we walked towards our dorm the Sunlight dorm i kept having the strange feeling that i had forgotten to do something really important...
"Ah Introductions!!!" I suddenly exclaimed "We forgot to introduce ourselves!!!"
"Mikhail Gi Gregory! Don't shout like that when I am next to you I have sensitive hearing!!!"
"Now that you mention it we did not introduce ourselves to our new classmates..."
"Well you might call me more stupid than usual but i don't believe we have ever had to introduce ourselves to any one at school... so how is that done?"
I opened our dorm gates and pondered on what to do...
"Then lets do a rehearsal once we are refreshed and start gaming for the night! meeting in the common room in 30 minutes tardiness and complains are not tolerated!!"
"Are you serious?!? This seems dumb!"
~Half an hour later~
They all took their respective seats in the common room waiting for what ever nonsense rehearsal Mikhail had in mind. They were used to his drama prone reactions.
"As our new classmates seems to know each other we clearly don't have much footing in this matter. they also have a committee under their responsibility and from what I noticed they are arrogant! we can not mess up our introduction or we will seem weaker than them."
"Hence, this stupid rehearsal of yours?"
Mikhail glared at his friend before continuing with his speech.
"I'll start you all follow got it or we are not doing that special item drop raid tonight!"
After a wave of complains they all settled down and Mikhail changed his mind and had the one sitting next to him start the introductions.
"Stryker Stein, Student council president and interested in Computer science."
"Hello, I'm Mikhail Gregory. I am the Class representative and student council's 1st vice president and i also hope to make the basketball team this year." once he was done he glared at Stryker for his intruction
"Sorell Jaice.. 2nd vice president and i'm part of the Art club. "
"Maxmilliano Aariyeh, Treasurer of the council. i'm part of the Maths club"
"Hello, I'm Leandro Eadwyn. I am the Student council 1st assistant treasurer; I'm part of the economical discussion club."
"Hey there, I'm Rafael Cruz. 2nd assistant treasurer of the student council and a member of the baseball team."
"Cade Taavi, the secretary of the council. I like to make robots."
"Sebastian Shriender, the 1st assistant secretary. I'm part of the Archery club."
"Elijah Kolin, 2nd assistant secretary. I'm also in charge of the library union."
"Amaruq Marquez, i act as one of the communication liaison with the other student councils"
"Fabian Jacobs, I'm in charge of the clubs and is the one that submit their queries to the council"
"Avan Renald, I'm the jack of all trades of the council i help who ever is overflowed with work and act as support."
"Not bad... could have been better but that will do" said Mikhail as the last one of them finished talking
"Can we go raid now? I don't want to lose to those wallflowers again for the 5th time in a row; they are definitely showing up tonight!" said Elijah.
"Sure lets get all the rare drops and win this one or we are not the Guild of Thorns" said Stryker.
"Hey boys what are you up too? Gaming night?" asked Kazuto as he suddenly appeared behind them.
"When did you come? asked a startled Mikhail
"Just now, why?"
"Did you hear what we were talking about before?"
"No... I just came in was it important?"
"NO!!! Not important at all forget it!" exclaimed everyone