Clearly clashing part 1

Touka could only hopelessly look at the two fractions that formed once Kazuto left. They all clearly did not like each other and were barely getting along. If this continued they would have to report it to the chairman... and hope that they can as adults finding a way of making these two groups of youngsters work together as both hold important roles in the school system.

"Skye how much work do we have left on our check list?" asked Alexiel

"Magno ... progress report?"

"We are almost done we just have some materials we have yet to receive from the student council once these are received and we process them... i believe we should be done by then." replied Magnolina as she accessed her tablet.

"I see please send a request to the lazy bunch over there since we have free study time they should be able to provide us with the materials we are currently missing."

"Yes i'll send our request personally" said Scarlette as she started to fill one of the blank request forms that they had at their disposition.

"here are some proposals on how to use our budget, Skye please go though them if you think there should be anything that should be modified please let me know." said fortune as she handed a storage chip to Skye.

"That's good for now Prefects should prepare for the general meeting that we will hold in two days with the others. It should be simple so as our message to the other students are clear about our plans for this school year... Don't forget to have some visual supports ready so as to keep things interesting, we don't wish for a boring meeting."

"Yes, President we are on it!"

"I'll deliver our request to the others" said Scarlette as she left her seat.

"Have a safe trip" said the others without looking as they already were engrossed in their respective tasks.

Scarlette made her way to the guys with confident steps once she was on their side of the class. they ignored her arrival and acted as if they did not see her. If they wanted to play some more she did not mind at all.

"1st Secretary Handel, i have an official request from the disciplinary committee please receive it. there were some materials that were missing from the list that should have been handed over to us and we urgently need it to finish the setup of our system."

"Oh is that so just keep it here we will deal with it later." casually replied Maximilliano

"On my i was talking to secretary Handel and not you 2nd secretary Vargas. the handing over was not done properly as 1st secretary he is the one that is accountable for any missing document unless he gave you the task and you messed it up on purpose then that is another story."

"Is it not Assistant Secretary Fitzpatrick, I almost did not see your red hair there. Is there anything you need?" said Spencer as he heard what was said to Maximilliano

"Then i believe you need to get your hearing checked Secretary Handel as i was saying here is an official request some documents are missing please give them to us before the end of the free study and do not be lazy and ensure that everything is properly sent this time. we do not have time to waste on such minor errors please do your work instead of increasing the work load of others."

Once she was gone Spencer slammed the request form on the table before heading to the student council room to look for the missing documents. These guys were so full of themselves how can they talk with such arrogance. Just wait Fitzpatrick i'll return this humiliation tenfold so; do not worry.