Clearly clashing part 2

Spencer came back in the class with a big stack of papers and forcefully slammed it in front of Scarlette. He then threw her a smirk before talking.

"Here are all the documents that were missing Assistant Secretary Fitzpatrick, feel free to come to us if you have anymore request and need help after all the disciplinary committee is still a newly founded committee you are not at all familiar with the school system."

"How kind of you for the offer but we were greatly delayed by the mistake you did by not ensuring all the materials were delivered to us at the beginning. we should have been already ready to submit our report to the Chairman today but now it will have to wait till tomorrow as we need to make an appointment. If you want to help us please ensure that you do your job properly so as to make everything go smoothly. Thank you 1st Secretary Handel you may leave now as you can see i have work to do!"

"Right i'll leave..."

Spencer made his way back to his seat still fuming five minutes later Kazuto came back in with the results. He looked at the two groups before saying that they should each go back to their seats before that he announce the results.

"Now were you all good? Remember that these results should not be a source of conflict between you all. each one of you are here for a reason do not think that this is bout one being superior that the other. if you did not perform as good as you wish you did that just need you might need to put a little more effort in your studies. All of you have a lot of responsibilities withing your respective committee it does not mean that you should neglect your studies and social life. Touka and i will give each of you your result slip keep it to yourselves till class is over for today." Once everyone received their result slip Kazuto said they could look. there clearly were two types of reaction among the students 1st indifference 2nd Shock!

"Say Min-tan could..."started Mikhail

"If you are wondering if the results are wrong the answer is not i was corrected by me and cross check by the correction system. Anything else?"


"Awesome then! Touka can i have a word please" said Kazuto as he pointed at the door


Once they were out they closed the door behind them and walked a few steps down the hall.

"Be truthful with me they definitely do not get along do they?"

"They clearly are clashing i'd suggest a group activity to make them at least be friendlier if only you had heard the way Scarl and Spencer talked to each other you would know what i mean."

"Any idea?" asked Kazuto

"Not really what about you?"

"I do have an idea!" said someone behind them spooking them
