Awkward moments part 6

"I'm Maxmilliano Aariyeh, it's pleasure of being in your company."

"Sure I'm Magno Eldridge." I drily replied. "This is my house; everything is supposed to be ready by now. I'll just grab my stuff and we can leave."

I opened the gate door and started to go towards the front door. But it seems that he was not following me so I turned around to see what he was up too. He was simply staring at the house clearly fascinated by the renaissance inspired style of the place.

"The house is about a century old if I'm not wrong has been build by my great grandfather for his wife… who loved renaissance architecture."

I left him once I said my piece on the history of the house and went inside to take my bags. By the time I was done and out again he had focused his attention on one of the mosaic window panes that gave in the sun room. I could not help thinking that he did not look half that bad when he was immersed in his own little world. However, i walk straight pass him before saying:

"If you don't hurry I'm leaving you behind..."

"Oh my bad its just your house is so gorgeous..." he said with a blush, " I could not help but be fascinated by it… Let me help you carry the bags we do not want to be late."

"If you say so... Then on a later date I'll invite you over when we'll be on leave the interior of the house is just as magnificent."

"Great I'd really like to see your house again and if you'll allow it can i make a painting of it too."

"Sure, why not?"