Awkward moments part 7

"Can you wait here? I'll get my things and we'll be able to head out for food as soon a possible because right now I'm really starving right now."

"Oh you finally talked to me how delightful I was getting tired of my monologues." Sarcastically replied Sorell "Sure I don't mind at all take your time."

"Oh you were actually talking to me all this while? Whoa! I totally did not notice so you were that buzzing sound that kept bugging me!! After all, why would you possibly want to talk about with me, Ron Ivanovic? You clearly see that our groups are not on good terms."

Ignoring him i entered the house of course he followed.

"Well at least you've got a name that perfectly define you, Ivanovic. Call me Sorell, your lordship seems far too formal after all we are fellow classmates."

"and me... Ron..." I murmured

"Sorry you were saying?"

"Nothing at all are you hearing things? Anyway be useful and carry this bag for me would you Sorell?"

"Oh sure"

I dropped the bag in his hand and pushing him out of the house. At first he had a bit of difficulties carrying the bag but he soon got used to it.

"What do you have in there Ron! it's just awfully heavy."

"That's a secret... Well I guess it wouldn't not hurt you since you are supposed to be a strong guy and all." Feeling super embarrassed I started to run. "Come on Sorell we don't want to be late."