Awkward moments part 8

I quietly walked next to Sebastian he obviously was matching my pace and it was obvious that he was not used to walking at such a slow pace. There is a shorter route to go to my house but I always liked to walk leisurely on the longer route that went through a park. It had a more interesting scenery and I did not want to miss a drop of the magic of this place.

"Stop being nervous and jumpy you are disturbing me..." I said with a sigh.

"Oh hmm… sorry but are we not going to be late for dinner if we walk this slowly?"

"Slowing down from time to time is not a bad thing you know Sebastian. We won't be late so don't worry; enjoy the scenery." Sensing that he came to a stop I turned around to face him he had a stunned expression on. It was quite a nice expression he had on, I guess he might take more time to look around when he walks instead of just quickly moving around.

"But since you seem to be in a hurry I guess I'll humour you and we could quicken the pace. But it is such a shame it's spring after all."

"We could walk around leisurely later when we don't have anything planned but right now I'm starving."

"Are you asking me out on a walk later? I didn't know that you were into guys…"

"Nothing of the sort we are classmates and having a hostile environment at school might not be ideal. However, if I hear any rumours about me being bent I know that I'll have to look for you Sam."

"Oh my why is that so it's not like it's not already going around in the girl's gossip mill."

"What do you mean by that!?!"

I started to walk faster so that I did not have to answer him. We soon reach the end of the park and just had to cross to the other side of the main road to reach my house. The butler was waiting at the entrance with my bags. Sebastian took it and we headed back.