Awkward moments part 9

"Hello I am Cade, and you are?"


Ignoring his constant chattering i turn around the street corner that leads to my house.

"Whoa is that your house? It's awesome the garden is so well kept and the flowers just about to bloom!"

"Well it is my garden I do expect it to be anything else but awesome after all the time and effort I put in its creating and maintenance!"

"OH MY GOD!! That might have been the longest string of words you have said since we left the others. You don't talk a lot do you? I mean no offence but having you previously reply me with one word answers was making me nervous."

Laughing I reach for my keys, the bag was carefully left near the entrance. Looking at the time I guess I have enough to do some watering. But that would mean having to listen to him longer... Well lets just consider this a minor setback I'll just ignore him some more while I water the plants.

After a good 30 minutes of watering and check the plants I picked up my discarded to the side bag and looked around for Cade he was not where to be seen. After five minutes she found him under one of the big plum tree in a corner of the garden. He was obviously having a nap and had a few fallen flowers scattered on him.

"Let's go."

"Okay at least its more than one word... I guess we can call that progress. I'm hungry do you know the way for dinner?"

"yeah I do."