Awkward moments part 11

Once we left the other I started to walk at a fast pace. I wanted to spend the least amount of time in his company. Soon we reached my house and he was slightly out of breath.

"Whoa you are pretty athletic; you are not even breathing heavily!!!" Exclaimed an out of breath Mikhail.

"And strangely enough you are out of breath aren't 'princes' supposed to be top notch at almost everything? Of course lets not forget the long list of weird stuff that does not really matter in today's society they need to master?"

"I didn't say that… i am not… Lets take in consideration the fact that I am starving is really not helping me and change the subject."

"Yeah whatever!!! Oh... right! Wait here, I'll be right back."

"Sure, be quick though."

I took my backpack did a small detour to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and an apple from the fridge. Just in case the oh so mighty 'prince' Mikhail would faint on me due to hunger and anaemia.

I locked up the door and turn towards him.

"Here catch."

I threw the bottle at him just in case he sucked at catching. But he did a perfect reception to my great despair so I threw the apple next.

"I plan on running to Skye's I'm leaving you behind if you can't follow the pace." So I started to run leaving him behind

"Seriously!!! Can't you walk!? Wait for me! Mirae!!!"

He quickens his pace to match mine and I gradually slowed down to an average pace for the rest of the way. From time to time he took a bit of the apple.