Awkward moments part 12

"I'm Leandro and you are Lac I suppose?"

"Yes I'm Lac... Nice to meet you I guess..."

"The pleasure is all mine."

"Do you mind if we hurry a bit?"

"No, not at all. Why?"

"My home is the furthest from Skye's and I do not want to get the cold leftovers for dinner."

"We better hurry then, we can not have you suffer such and end up with cold leftovers."

"I can feel the sarcasm…"

"Opps did not mean to let it seep through"

"We could take the short cut but i don't think you could follow the pace... Let's split up and meet at the cross section near St Malo street?"

"St Malo street you mean near the church? The big cross section?"

"That's right! See you there in 10 minutes."

I quickly ran away from him as soon as I could the house was not that far if you ran to it but i'd rather not let him know where I live. Good guy or not. 10 minutes later I saw him from afar right where I told him to wait. As he noticed me he came towards me. Casually took the bag from me and asked me to lead the way. For some reason he looked disturbed. Maybe he didn't like the waiting?

"We better hurry..."

"Yes we should lead the way I'll follow you."

"Sure its this way."