Skyrielle and her friends safely made it across the window into Skye's room.
"What do you have to pack?" asked Evangeline.
"Clothes.. the comfy unisex style ones I guess" absent-mindedly replied Skyrielle as she when through the shelves of her closet.
"How was your little one on one force moment with your pair?" asked Scarlette "Mine was horrible I just can't stand that guy he is so annoying"
"Was big brother really that bad?" asked Chrysanthe. "cade was not that bad seems he likes napping… he slept under the shade of my plum tree when I was watering the garden earlier"
"guess he is the lazy type?" commented willow "well Amaruq was kind of scary at first since he is so huge compared to me but is think he is not that bad… he is kind of nice…"
"whoa Amaruq receiving willow's complement… what a surprise! Fabian was okay I guess he is funny. " said fortune.
"just how is he funny!?!?! I can't understand you on this one that is Fabian we are speaking of for god sake!" exclaimed Scarlette.
"Why does it matter to you if she found him funny or not!?" asked Evangeline "At least she was not embarrassed by anyone while they were at her place unlike me… I can't be alone with Elijah again argg…"
"now I kind of want to know what happened you've made me curious Evan that is not fair at all!!!" complained lilac " Leandro is the type I want to bully a little it seems that my sarcasm filter is not working properly around him"
"he does look like you could bully him" silently said Alexiel "I don't really have an impression on Avan yet he was taken aback by the house though well the luxury of. It he seems to have expected me to be poor…"
"he always judge people before thinking and then get slapped with reality before coming back to the world of real people don't mind him" said raven. "I like Rafael since he is on the sound effect on gaming experience team…"
"that is a typical raven evaluation I can't say anything else to that" said Evangeline
"your standards are weird and are based on another level Raven. It seems I have a date for later Sebastian said we could have a walk together later" said Samarra in a disinterested tone however there was a little sparkle in her eyes.
"Were you charmed by my brother I was sure he'd be more interested in his food rather than you… he seems to be the type of guy that can be caught with the appropriate dish." Said Mirage. "so I guess it is my turn to talk about how my trip was… well I guess this also applies to Mikhail I pitied him and gave him something to eat on our way here."
"was his selfish pampered filtering through?" asked Skyrielle as she packed her bags.
"Not really…"
"Anyway is it my turn yet?" asked Saffron as everyone just nodded at her "Sorell was fine I guess he was a useful bag carrier."
Everyone could not help but laugh at Saffron describing Sorell as a 'useful bag carrier.'
"Well Maximilliano was just being an antique architecture freak" complained Magnolina "he was more interested into the house architecture… but it was kind of cute in a certain way."
"well we all know how it went for Skyrielle she must have been like a young newly wedded couple with Kazuto as they shopped for dinner." Said Evangeline with an expression that said it all.
"Are you done being so focused on me… I already have someone else in. mind and it is not Kazuto!!!"
"Oh she is getting angry at us" teased Scarlette.
"let's head back dinner should be good by now."
"she just cannot wait to go back to his side" said the rest in chorus as they made their way to the door helping Skye with her bags.