The girls entered Kazuto's house through the front door which baffles some of the guys as they looked back and forth between the stairs and the door.
"What? For once we used the front door to come back got any complains about that is it not what you wanted?" said Skye as she placed her bags by the entrance and headed towards the dining room
"You did shout it out loud you can't deny it" added Evangeline as the followed Skye in.
"I'll check on the curry you check the table"
"hoo-hah if that's what you are really going to do we don't mind leaving this task to you" whispered Raven as she went toward the bathroom the wash her hands.
Some of the guys were in the dining room trying to set the table lets just say that despite growing up to perfectly set dinning tables these guys were not proficient at setting one on their own.
"have you wiped the dishes?" asked Alexiel as she stacked the plates and headed towards a small table in the corner that contained all the dishes and cutlery.
"Bet you did wipe the table too before setting anything on." Complained Lilac
"move aside we will show you guys how it is properly done." Said Scarlette
"We are all hungry here Kazuto… we are the ones resetting the table so we have priority on seconds!" said Saffron
"And bigger portions too don't forget that we will have the extra-large servings!!" added Raven as she joined the others and started to help too.
"Don't ask me anything about seconds unless the Table is properly set and for the extra-large servings ask the chef about it. It is not my call. You bunch of gluttons."
"Gluttons…" muttered the wallflowers under their breaths as they glared at Kazuto.
"Kazuto half of the extra small serving for you…" said Skye as she checked on the rice. " Since we are gluttons you should sacrifice yourself for us so that we can eat to our fill right we are the guests after all… and still going through our growth period"
"Oh big boss Skye please forgive this poor one here and do not down size his serving!!! I failed to see your greatness and misspoke… This poor one here is already at wits end ever since you put him in charge of watching the pot his poor stomach has been thoroughly tortured by the big boss's secret curry recipe."
"Shameless…" muttered the girls as they heard him plead for his serving size.
"Right you did watch the pot… So let's show you some compassion one whole extra small serving will do instead of half out of generosity." Said Skye as she took Kazuto's plate in her hands.
"please don't do that and give me a normal portion at least so that I don't die of starvation tonight."
"Be a man Kazuto enough with being a cry baby now!" exclaimed Touka. "Just feed the poor thing already he is giving me a headache from all this begging."
"fine since it's the first time Miss Touka is tasting The curry we could let him off." What do you think guys?"
"Guess we could do that…." Muttered the Wallflowers as they diverted their attention back to their plates.