Unexpected pleasant dinner

The mood around the table gradually becoming more pleasant on as everyone heartfully enjoyed their delicious meal. It however did not last long as it came time for seconds servings… that is went things went south again and they started to fight for.

"We should get priority on seconds" said Mikhail as he looked at the fellow classmates sitting across of him.

"And what is your argument to support this statement of yours?" asked Evangeline as she leisurely sat on her chair.

" We did have to leave the comfort of our rooms to help you all this is compensation." Said Stryker as he keep eyeing the curry pot.

"Let's use that to decide…" proposed Saffron

"Yes that would be fair" added Raven

"I guess there is no other options…" Murmured Skye. "Rock, paper and scissors it is!"

"Are you seriously using such a childish way to decide on who gets to eat seconds? Just how immature can you all get?" furiously asked Mikhail.

"Does that mean you are forfeiting and refusing your right to seconds?" teased Evangeline

"This master never forfeits stop trying to mess with me!"

"Are you done? Just to confirm we are all participating right?" asked Skye as she left her seat followed by the wall flowers.

"We are!"

"Since we are in even numbers divide in two rows you opponent is the one standing in front of you there is about enough curry left for half of us to get seconds. We begin at 3 ready?"




"Rock!! Paper!! Scissors!!"

Once everyone had made their choice two distinct groups were formed… one with a downcast expression and the other with a detached expression…