"You should take your dishes to the sink and start to do the washing as you all are obviously not getting seconds." said Evangeline as she filled her plate with a generous portion of curry and rice.
"This... I... I lo-ost?!" exclaimed a confused Mikhail.
"We did lose." stated Strykerius as he looked at his empty plate.
"On top of that why are the dishes on us." added Spencer
"The sooner you start to clean up the quicker we can leave and not mention this spectacular defeat." said Kazuto as he went towards the kitchen sink.
"Why are you acting like nothing actually happened Min-tan?" asked a curious Elijah.
"Allow me tell you something as your senior in life... We were bound to lose this is a fact that you can't deny. It is better for your own good if you accept it and move on. There was no way we would have won once rock paper scissors was use to settle this matter. After all it's one of their numerous special skill." after a short pause Kazuto continued. "As for your question Elijah... once you have suffered from numerous defeats over a long period of time one more makes no difference..."
While some where struggling while cleaning others were enjoying their second serving of curry. The walk back to the docks were a silent one after eating so much the wallflowers were slightly sleepy and could not wait to get in their warm temporary accommodations. After all it had been an eventful day.
"Thank you for your help today" said Evangeline once they reached the dorm.
"We will prepare the meals during the weekends to show our appreciation until our dorm is ready for us" added Skyrielle "Good night"
On that note they all went back to their rooms leaving their temporary dorm mates speechless... was this the same group that refused them seconds? Unbelievable... that they now offered them more meals.