Badass Tromer

Four more days have passed since then. In that time, what Farjan only did was to rest in his own room. This made his mother worried. She took care of him like when he was a child. Clearly, even if Farjan wasn't a child anymore, she still treated him like one and for her, he would be forever the child that she always took care of.

The next day...

The day that the Dowter clan feared of had arrived. The young master of the Sofori clan, Michael, personally came and brought over an army of imperial guards, roughly two hundred of them. Surely, he would use this amount of fully equipped guards to scare the ordinary citizens of the Dowter clan.

All the Dowter clan members gathered outside. There were normal members, the elders, and the clan leader.

"What business do you have here?" The clan leader asked.

Although the clan leader knew the reason why the guards were here, he still asked them just to put up some face for his clan. He cannot beg to them and he would never beg to them. Why would he beg for something his clan owned? It was ridiculous! Only shameless and pitiful people do that.

"Idiot! You know the answer, yet you still asked our young master! You can't even touch his fingers, why do you dare to speak?" Samir asked furiously as his finger was pointed on the elder. But then, later, the left side of his lips curled up into a smile.

"Wait! You are a mere subordinate of this young lad! Yet you dared to be arrogant, you can't even compare to me! People like you should stop talking. You only use your mouth for your own benefits."The third elder said.

Clearly, this Samir was taking the chance to get Michael's approval. When he heard the third elder's reply, his face became unsightly and out of anger, he spoke again,

"Hey! I think you have a sharp tongue there. Who do you think is arrogant!? YOU are the arrogant one! You are from a low-class clan and yet you still have the courage to say those things! Are you retard-..."

"Stop! You're talking too much Samir! You made my ears bleed."Michael finally spoke.

Samir ceased to talk after hearing this. He just stood there unmoving, gritting his teeth and glaring furiously at the third elder. He was like a child that saw the man who stole his favorite toy. He couldn't fight back at the man, so he just glared at him.

"We are here to PROPERLY get the mining site you have there. Don't worry, we will not get the things you already got, just the mining site." Michael said. He emphasized the word 'properly' as if to say that they posed no harm.

"Properly huh? With that army of fully equipped Imperial guards? Tell me, how will you respond if a person told you that he would get your mining site 'PROPERLY' with an army like what you have there?"The clan leader replied coolly.

Michael looked toward his army of Imperial guards, then turned back again and said, "These? Uhm... they are my personal bodyguards, I think?"He replied.

The fourth elder suddenly stepped forward and said, "Why do you have an ARMY of bodyguards? Do you think we are the kind of people who just kill whenever we want? Or are you a scaredy little boy who needs protection? Or it is to scare us? Oops! I think I've gone too far. Sorry."

"You!" Michael was now insulted to the extreme. In his life only a few people dared to do that, since only people with the same status as him can do so. But now, a mediocre had done it. He was so angry that blue veins popped on his forehead.

"Get the mining site and demolish all their houses, if anyone resists, you know what to do." Michael commanded the army.

The elders and the clan leader all knitted their brows. The young man in front of them was so egoistic, that he could not control himself over some insults. He was really immature.

"Why demolish our houses? Are you insane?"The third elder said.

Michael paid him no heed. He turned and walked back towards his luxurious carriage, and there, he sat and waited.

The Imperial guards army started to seize the mining site. Some clan members dared to fight back but they only ended up having bad results. After they saw the incidents, nobody dared to make the same wrong decisions. The leader and the elders were left there standing as they watched their houses being destroyed.

In one of the houses in the Dowter clan, Farjan's family house.

Farjan was sleeping when he heard the noise of the houses being destroyed. He slowly stood up. He was still in a weakened state. In spite of this,he walked until he was in front of the door, then he slowly opened it. When the door finally opened completely, he saw the pitiful state of his clan. Mothers and children were crying, some were begging, most houses were destroyed, and some were burning or burnt. He was not able to tell what he was feeling; anger, indignation, infuriation, and wrath, all of these emotions were building up inside of him.

As Farjan looked to at his side, fifteen meters away, he saw a woman kneeling in front of an imperial guard. She was begging for something, but the guard pays her no heed. The woman was persistent, and when the guard started to walk past her, she grabbed his foot and begged again. The guard became irritated so he kicked the woman off.

Farjan knew this woman; it was his mother after all. Seeing what happened, he immediately rotated his cultivation base and made his hand his hand do a gripping motion. Suddenly, the guard who kicked his mother had his head exploded. Chunks of meat and brain were scattered. Luckily, the guard was now far from his mother. If not, then his mother would be full of blood.

Many people saw what happened and a blank look could now seen on their faces.

After doing that, Farjan was now on the verge of collapse. His vision became blurred, after a few seconds, he would have fallen, but a middle-aged man catched him and said,"I told you to just rest, but you still pushed yourself." It was his master, Tromer."You may now rest for a bit. Let me handle this matter."

Tromer gave Farjan a blue potion and said,"Consume this, it will help you recover from this weakening body." It was a potion he especially concocted for Farjan's condition. Then, he asked Farjan who was now collapsing, "Do you have a request?"Their gazes met and from that, Tromer got his answer. "Copy."

Tromer did some stretching for a minute then he said while grinning, "BRING IT ON!"