
At the moment, Farjan's face is a bit unsightly because he knows that his master is not completely recovered from his past injuries. Tromer's injuries are serious, and it cannot be treated by ordinary means of mortals. Healing methods of mortals and cultivators are different. Cultivators use different techniques with regards to magic and mortals doesn't do that.

Also, when someone entered the first level of Spiritual Stage, their bodies are changed. Many aspects of a person are changed by just using and fusing with energies and elements in the surroundings.

Farjan is a bit worried for his master, but he cannot do something. His master knows what he's doing so Farjan didn't pursue the matter.

Currently, Tromer is now looking at the army of Royal Knights, but instead of being scared he just feels mercy for them. He feels mercy because he clearly knows that, whatever happens, even if these Royal Knights are stronger than those Imperial Guards, they are still mortals. Adding the fact that he is a cultivator in the Profound Stage he doesn't have to worry about those trivial things.

Even a cultivator at the 5th level of the Spiritual stage can do battle against hundreds of these Royal Knights, although they may become just a bit exhausted. A 7th level Spiritual Stage cultivator can battle with this army with just using 30 percent of their strength and a 9th level Spiritual Stage cultivator can kill all of these with just using their 15 percent of the power. But this is all by using only their brute force and not any magics and supernatural powers.

If theses cultivators fight back against these mortals, even if they are on the 3rd level of the Spiritual stage, just let them use their cultivation powers and these men will all be dead soon.

If that's the case, Tromer is at the Profound Stage, the highest stage in the Earth Realm. The difference between stages is a huge gap. If the Spiritual Stage cultivators can fight and surely win against these mortal Royal Knight, how much more for Tromer who is at the Profound Stage? Will he just wink, and these men will all explode?

But, Tromer wants to do exercise and have some sweat, so he only uses a bit of 'brute' force like simple kicks, simple punches, simple, etc. He doesn't want to be savage with these mortals 'cause the cultivators didn't want to do something against them without no apparent reason.

Tromer suddenly replied to Zevan,"What did you say? This will be my last exercise? You're right! This will be my last exercise because there will be no more of this, all of you will surrender later."

"You're too overbearing! Know your place. You're just a nobody!"Zevan angrily said.

"Why do all of them said that I'm arrogant and overbearing? In fact' they are the arrogant! Anyway, I'll just teach them good manners."Tromer said in his heart. With that, he shouted, "Let's go! So that I can go back home and sleep, I will finish this quickly."

"Attack!" Zevan furiously shouted. The Royal Knights attacked simultaneously.

Tromer fight back at them. He stomps his feet at the ground, and cracks are now seen. The knights near him instantly fell down. At the same time, more knights are heading towards him.

Tromer let himself be active at this time. As what he can see, this so called knights are nothing more than ants. Nothing special about them, just their costume is a bit more good-looking compared to Imperial Guards. But, Tromer will just punch them, and their armors will instantly crumble.

The scene now is a bit more savage than before. More and more corpses are adding to the collection laying there on the ground. More blood is spurting and more miserable screams are loudly heard.

After only a minute, almost half of the original size of the Royal Knights are left behind. The City Lord is now confused. "Is it right that I sacrificed these knights for my clan? As what I can see, we have no chances of winning, and why is that? What's with this man? Is he insane?"

The elders are now back from feeling despair. Their emotions are constantly changing as time passes by. They become hopeless a little while ago, then joyful, then hopeless again!

The battle is unceasing, and Tromer, by the help of restraining his power and being more active at fighting, little by little his sweats is flowing because he's battling as if he's fighting humans, though they are humans, still, in his eyes they are only ants.

"Oh! My sweats are starting to flow."Tromer said with a gleeful expression on his face.

When the sweat flowed, Tromer feels nothing special, even weariness has no room. A sweat just flowed, that's it. "Hey there..." He said while looking towards the City Lord,"You said that this would be my last exercise, and I'm afraid you'll be wrong because my sweat is now pouring down and you have more cannon fodders for me."

Zevan only gritted his teeth after hearing this taunting. As what was happening, these Royal Knights are easily defeated by a one-armed man. They didn't even make a scratch or anything to Tromer. Surely, in the eyes of the onlookers, they are all cannon fodders.

Zevan looked at the dead knights. Not all knights are dead, some are just unconscious after being hit by a punch, kick, or thrown by Tromer while some men can't move even if they have a conscious mind. After pondering for a moment, many thoughts ran through Zevan's mind. He thought that, if he let this killing-machine slaughter his Royal Knights, he will not certainly get a good result, he will only let his men fall. If he surrendered, it would greatly affect his dignity; he's the one who charges forth in this place and brought an army of Royal knights yet, he will be the one who will surrender... To a one-armed man? It's ridiculous! This will be a huge setback for him if he will do this.

Now, all that dared to cross swords with Tromer are hopeless and regretful. From Michael to the Sofori clan's elders up to Zevan Sofori, the City Lord, they are all regretful as their expression greatly change. Their haughty attitude coming from their statuses and influence is now disappearing.

After a long time of pondering to himself, Zevan made a decision, "You..."At the same time pointing at Tromer with his index finger,"You think you're making any sense at all in killing and attacking my Sofori clan and Royal Knight?"

Now, Zevan wants to stop this killing-machine diplomatically. But, he still bears the pride of being a City Lord. He doesn't want to beg to Tromer just to surrender to him. He just wants to hide his fear by holding his pride and talking to Tromer as if nothing is to worry at all.

"Hypocrite..." Tromer said in his heart. "Sense? Are you saying I do not have sense? Are you stupid?"

Zevan frown. He doesn't understand what Tromer is saying.

"This clan attacked the Dowter clan, just because of their mining site, they even demolished their houses! Who's making any sense between us? Please answer me City Lord."

Zevan had nothing to say. It's right that the Sofori clan is the first one who caused a commotion. What is happening now is just retaliation. He just gritted his teeth while looking deeply at the one-armed man in front of him who caused all of this disaster.

"We should stop this now once and for all, I don't want any useless deaths to be made again."

The Dowter clan's leader suddenly stepped forward and said, "The City Lord is right, this must be ended. There's no benefit in killing people."

Farjan, who is at the right side of the clan leader, is currently thinking to himself. He wants no more bloodshed but, they are the one who started this disaster.

When the words of the Dowter clan's leader reached Tromer's ears, he couldn't help but frown. The Sofori clan oppressed them yet; they want to end this matter. In Tromer's perception that is ridiculous!

At the same time, Zevan became happy because of the clan leader's decision. But, seeing Tromer with the unyielding look he just gritted his teeth again and after a few moments, a decision is made in his mind.

"Don't you worry, we know that the Sofori clan is the one who started this all? They destroyed their territory and planned to seize the mining site they have which is the source of the clan's income. Because of all of these, the Sofori clan will compensate for the damage and will even help the Dowter clan."

Although the deal is not that bad, Tromer still got his unyielding expression. His brows are still curled up, but he still has his calm demeanor. Zevan understands that Tromer didn't agree to his deal.

He just asked him,"State what you want."