sect alliances

the next morning was a very good day to go out so kizu kuro woke up and walked out of his room today he didn't see li suzo outside before him so he decided to knock on his foor.

li suzo opened the door he had a big smile on his face and he said" I just broke through the physical body level and I'm in spiritual level 2 now." li suzo eyes were shinning like a star. kizu kuro smiled seeing his only friend become powerful and no on will look down on him.

"well that's amazing now no one will pick on us." kizu kuro said with a voice full of hope and happiness. li suzo was shocked to see kizu kuro was happy for him not envious of him .

li suzo than thought to him self " I shall protect him till he becomes as powerful as me." he than stepped out of his room and told kizu kuro" let's go join an alliance, not that any would take us." he said with a disappointment in his voice.

"well we ain't gonna know till we try." kizu kuro said with an encouraging voice. he than turned around and started to head for the crowded places of the sect.

once they reached the crowded area they went to where you join alliances and looked for an alliance to join. they asked every alliance if they could join them but they were rejected.

finally when they got tired the we're heading of they saw this guy sitting on the side and he had a sign like the other alliances saying the alliance name. the alliance this young man was from was called the "black night beasts" alliance the mark of the alliance was a moon with a claw cutting through it.

"hey you two there can I talk to you for a second." the young man with the blond hair said. kizu kuro and li suzo both looked and answered at the same time" yes" they sat Down on the chairs infront of the young man.

"I see you guys are looking for alliances to join would you like to join mine." the young man said.

"what will we benefit from this alliance?"li suzo asked as he saw this wasn't a known alliance.

"you will have the protection of a gold soul spirit owner" the young man said as he showed his soul spirit which was a gold snake.

kizu kuro and li suzo were both surprised and li suzo immediately said" yes we will join you" with a smile on his face.

" well here is the alliance symbol" the young man said as he handed them a circle with claws goin through it and than he said" my name is chu mo and you get ready for the alliance tournament in three months." as he stood up and packed everything up.

" wait a minute, how many people are in this alliance" kizu kuro asked as quick as he could. he was even surprised for him self.

chu mo answered him" 7 since you two have joined" kizu kuro and li suzo both had a ghostly face. they did not questions him any further as they didn't want to know what kind of people are able to keep a alliance longer than a moth with 5 people.

kizu Kuro and li suzo left with out saying anything further. they both didn't say anything just wore the symbol of the alliance on their clothes.

later that day they were both eating at the cafeteria of the sect it had a multiple but they choose the closest one to their homes and it was a crappy cafeteria.

kizu kuro told li suzo about his life before they met and li suzo was so not happy he even invited him to the li family,but kuro declined.

kizu kuro than asked about li suzo's life. li suzo was a little bit hesitant about tell him but he finally shook his head and started talking.