Li suzo’s life

As li suzo was quite for a while but than he began. He looked like he wasn't comfortable to talk so kizu kuro asked him"are you sure you wanna tell me, you don't have to if you don't want to." Li suzo looked at Kizu Kuro and said"yes I'm sure"

He stared of saying it all began when I was born. Li suzo was born into the lower class of the Li family but the Li family didn't care about what class you were you were just family to them. When Li suzo was born sadly his mom died a few hours after her delivery. Everyone treated Li suzo with with care as he never knew his mom.

When Li suzo was 5 he started to practice his sky wing arts and body strengthening arts. He was faster than most kids and stronger.

The Li family does their awakening at age 5. When the Li kids were awaking they all got cool wings and when it was Li suzo turn everyone had his expectations but he got what looked like a white rank bird wing spirit worst one in centuries.

Li suzo was than made fun of but people still cared for him. One night while Li suzo was training some of the other kids called him out and took him to a dark all to beat him up. As the kids kept hitting him Li suzo fully awakened his power getting wings so bright it could be seen miles away. His eyes were shining golden lights his hair looked like it was on fire. The kids were all frightened and tired running away but before they could even take a step Li suzo used blade of fathers.the fathers cut the kids but they didn't die from it.

After that incident the kids said it was Li suzo who did it but no one believed them. It was believed that they tried to Frame Li suzo because he was weak and couldn't go against their word or prove them wrong.

After a while Li suzo was sent to the sect and there he was even picked on more. People would come to his room and bully him. He was sick and tired of it all. One night he decided to cultivate none stop. He trained for 3 years without stepping out of his room. people started to think he was dead.

While Li suzo was in this isolation someone knocked one his door. He thought he it was the bullies that had come to pick on him but it was Kizu kuro.

Kizu kuro was surprised and decided that he will never pick on a weaker person and protect the weak.