3 months

Kizu kuro and Li suzo were in their rolls training. Kizu kuro but twice as much effort than before to the point where he started to over work himself.he trained all the skills that were taught to to the last level blue soul level a feet not many could do in a times of a month but Li Suzo was more impressive all his skills were now first step purple soul.

Kizu kuro awakened from his training and went out to go get Li Suzo but when he opened the door Li Suzo was about to break through and break through take a while so he left him be.

As Kizu kuro was getting to the more populated place people seemed to have forgotten about him and started to call him trash but he didn't care he kept walking.

As he was walking he saw Chu mo and he quickly walked over to him and waved to him. Chu mo did the same. Suddenly there was a out break of girls screaming Chu Mo's name.

"Oh damn, follow me Kizu kuro" he said as he turned away and ran. Chu mo was a was already on green soul level skills so it was hard to track him but it was no problem for Kizu kuro. He immediately used shadow tiger step and followed him swiftly. Chu Mo was surprised he was using a green level agility move called lightning step but this kid was keeping up no problem.

As they traveled Kizu kuro started to slow down he was fine for the first half but he wasn't at a green skill level yet so he was exhausted. Chu mo noticed and stopped"this is far enough." Kizu kuro then stopped taking heavy breaths.

"it's been a month now since we met so how have you been preparing for the alliance wars?" Asked chu mo.

"I have been training a lot and what is the alliance war?" Kizu kuro said.

"The alliance war is when all the alliance get to gather and have duels, the nite wins a alliance has the greater reward the get. The top three alliance are the feather alliance, the dragon alliance, and the strongest the shadow and light alliance but there members aren't a lot they have just 35 people while others have 100 to 1000." Chu mo explained."so how strong are all your skills?" Chu mo asked Kizu kuro"

"Umm their all at least purple level skills now." Kizu kuro answered. Chu mo had another question for him"how long have you been at this sect at least a year right?" Kizu kuro shook his head no and said"almost two months" Chu Mo's jaw dropped this kid trained skills to purple level in just a time span of two months.

"May I see you soul spirit?" Chu Mo was interested now. Kizu kuro put his and out as he stuck out a yellow colored chain. Chu Mo was confused this kid only has a yellow soul spirit yet he made so much progress.

"Show me was you could do with it Kizu kuro" he told Kizu kuro.

"Well I can me the tip what ever shape I want". He said as he changed the tip to look like Chu Mo's face."I can also change the length and width" he did as he made it bigger and longer. Chu Mo was impressed.

"Well you should train more and become at least a green level fighter or you won't last in the war. Also how has your friend been?" Chu mo said.

" his been training and he is a green level fighter like you I think" Kizu kuro said. Chu Mo got a huge smile on his face now they had 1 purple level fighter, 3 green level fighters,2 red level fighters, and one silver level fighter. Their alliance will shake up the whole sect.

"Impressive, well I should go back and train and you should two"he said as he ran of using lighting step. Then screams broke out again and girls ran towards Kizu kuro.

Kizu kuro use shadow tiger step and went to his room. He got in cultivating positions and went into his soul realm. The tiger lady didn't appear this time but it was a lion male.

"Um where is the tiger lady?"Kizu kuro asked

"She's gonna take a break from training you, instead I'll be training you. So be be ready."

Kizu kuro was surprised but nodded his head and waited for instructions. The Lion than said" I will teach you the lion fist of fire. It will be harder than any skill you have trained but it's a skill that will let you deal damage to opponents twice as strong as you."

Kizu kuro nodded his head again and watched the lion. The lion got into a stance his right and was behind his back and his left hand was stretched out his. Than fire lit on his hand and he punched the air causing Kizu kuro to go flying for what felt like miles before he even realized it. Kizu kuro than stopped and the lion said" that's just the when it's at purple level start training.

Kizu kuro got in the stance and did the same movement but nothing happened." Imagine that all your strength is put into your fists not just one but both.than swing with all your might."

Kizu kuro did what he was told to do and then he punched forward it was successful but it was just at white level. Even though it's at white level it was an attack that would give a blue level skill fighters a run for their money.

Kizu kuro trained his skills for the remaining time days and li Suzo also trained his skills till the alliance war. Hey both made great progress with their skills. Kizu kuro focused mostly on the skills but he also learned to use his chain and thought of ways he could use it to his advantage.

After all three months ended their was a knock on their doors and they both opened their eyes and opened the door seeing Chu Mo and 4 other people they did recognized.

"Hey their Li Suzo and Kizu kuro" said Chu Mo and the said hey back then he began to introduce them" these are the rest of our alliance. It was two girls and two guys.Chu mo first pointed to a girl and said" that's Ji Ki." then point at the other girl and said"that's Ri Xu." He than turned to his right and pointed to a green haired kid and said"that's Chu kiyo my cousin" then he looked at the last person and said"that's the alliance Leader Yu Su his a silver ranked fighter and one of the top ten fighters of the whole sect.

He than turned to Kizu kuro and Li suzo" this is Kizu Kuro and Li Suzo. Well let's get going before we are to late."

The walked to the arena and added he alliance to the fighting alliances. There were 50 alliance but all 5000 pupils were ina sect to it took more than one day to have half of the fighters out.