Bleeding to Death

Feeling weak in the legs, Foo stumbles to sit down on a crate. Taking a deep breath, he tries to organize his thoughts. ``Maybe I heard it wrong? A gold coin would cover over 90 years of living expenses for a moderate merchant? That would indicate that the difference between denomination is far greater than i thought. The difference between the denominations should be about the same. And it is quite normal for the values to go in base ten, so we assume that applies to this world too. If we guess that the difference is 10, a gold coin is worth 100 copper. As copper seems to be the lowest denomination, it is highly unlikely that 100 coppers would be sufficient for 90 years.``

Trying to deduce the value, he continued: ``So it is not 10. And if it is 100, then a gold coin is 10000 copper coins. That is, 111 copper coins a year. Highly unlikely.`` Getting more and more frightened by his train of thought: ``If the difference is 1000, then a gold coin is 1000000 copper coins, which gives 11 111 per year, and that is around 30 per day.``

Pondering about this value for a while, he continues: ``It sounds possible. If we continue, each increase of difference by 10 times increases the coppers by 100 times. A difference of 10000 would be 30000 per day. And that seems too much. As such the difference between the denominations should be 1000!``

Realizing that his attempt to escape from reality by doing pointless calculations could only work for so long, Foo finally faced the horrid truth: ``I was a millionaire! But I actually gave it away!`` The pain in his heart was so intense that he was worried his heart would bleed to death. ``And now I am left with around 10010 coppers. Which would last for a little bit less than a year...``

At the end of his thoughts, he realized that it might not be THAT bad. At least it seemed like he could laze around for at least a year or so. During that time he should definitely be able extort... eh... exhaust his brain over how to virtuously earn money.

Suddenly a a smug smile appeared on his face. ``Hehehe.... Look at how magnanimous I am. I am the most honorable and virtuous man ever alive! Even you admitted it, system! How can you then call me a cheater?! My heart knows no limits, I even handed out my fortune to a stranger, just because my heart was aching! Just look at how much my heart still aches, just because of the thought of the poor man! It is almost killing me!``

Wiping away a heartfelt tear from the corner of his eye, he continue: ``All this is irrefutable proof that I am the most generous person in the entire world! How could you even call me `greedy` and `money grubbing`?``

This new title was actually the only good one. The other ones was either insults, or just some ominous sounding ones. With this title he might even be able to impress people! There was only two slight problems... Every time his thoughts was on the title, his heart would scream in pain. It was definitely because his thoughts was on that poor man... Yes, definitely not because of thoughts on that gold coin. Definitely not.

The second problem was that if he put on that title, and people could see it, then they might come to him to beg for money! How could he accept that?! So basically, even though this was the best title that he had gained so far, he could absolutely not use it!

Pushing away all the thoughts of the title, Foo stood up. So what if he suddenly had a little bit less money? Just a quick glance around greeted him with lots of fat sheep... er... lots of fat merchants.

There was lots of ways to earn money. For example using a pyramid scheme, making forgeries, extortion and many other. Not that he had done any of those before... Nor did he plan to use them.... He was a philanthropist after all!

Wrecking his brain over slightly more conventional methods, as the system might give him some insulting title if he did not do this correctly, a thick faced merchant approached: "Hey! I could not miss to notice your esteemed self before. It just happens that i am in dire need of money. My whole family is depending on me, but I have somehow lost all my money!"

If someone was listening on him, they might feel pity for him. One could hear the sadness in his voice. But if one were to look at him, they would be blinded by all the jewellery that he had. If that man was poor, then Foo were virtuous! Er... that did not sound right... Never mind...

The brain cells quick at work, Foo quickly replied: "Oh, brother! I am greatly pained by your loss! Helping out a brother in need is the responsibility of a Samaritan!" Giving a caring look, Foo thought: ``Luckily, I am not a Samaritan!`` But he continued as if nothing was wrong: "I truly want to help you! But it just happens that I just gave away my pocket change to that man earlier, and do not happen to have any more money on me,"

With a truly sincere expression he continued: "Lets do it like this, if you lend me some silvers, I can use them to send for some gold coins that I can invest in your business!" With a smile that was at the epitome of friendliness and generosity.

With shivers down his back, the merchant slowly retreated step by step while stuttering: "W-w-well, I do not happen to have enough money to offer, I am afraid that I have to find another way to support my family!" The merchants was truly experts of their trade, they could easily sense if there was anyone more shameless and vicious than them. This skill was essential, you would not survive long as a merchant without it.

Just when Foo was about to suggest that the merchant should borrow the money, or even lower the requested money, the merchant had completely disappeared from sight. Foo was shocked over how fast that fat lump of meat could move.

When he turned his gaze for the next victim, the merchants that he locked eye contact with quickly turned their heads away. ``Alas, what is this?! They are way too distrusting! How depressing that they do not even trust a honest Samaritan...`` He thought in despair.

Realizing that he probably have gotten on the `beware list` of the merchants, Foo could only sigh in sadness. They had surely misunderstood the act of giving away the golden coin as the groundwork to an elaborate con. As he would ever do that! That was a gold coin after all! This amount of distrust further intensified the pain in his heart. If he continued to think about this, his heard would surly bleed to death.