
With the opportunity to earn some money from the fat merchants slipping through his fingers, Foo wondered what he should do next. His wandering out of the plaza was not any form of escape from defeat. It was just that he was not in any dire need for money right now. Not that he would not accept money, if such a situation appeared, but he had more important things to do than to create such opportunities... For example...

Anyway, the weather was good; the sun was shining on the city, basking it in a comfortable warmth. The occasional breeze was gently stroking Foo's face as he hurried along the road.

As he was deep in thought about the really important things that he was so busy with, he had absentmindedly walked to the Adventurers' Guild as it was the only place he really knew. Just as he was about to enter, Foo heard Einar's booming voice: "HE ATE FOR HOW MUCH!!?"

Suddenly remembering that he had stuff to do at the other end of the city, Foo scurried along.

Ah, the weather was so great. Foo basked in the sun as he hurriedly made it to the opposite side of the city. He was still trying to decide on what to do next, when it suddenly hit him!

Smacking into in his face was a water ball. The perpetrator of the actions were seemingly a robed man, slightly younger than Foo, that stood in the park that Foo had just arrived at. ``Magic!`` Foo thought. ``That's right! There is magic! I have to learn magic!`` This must be the dream of anyone from his old world, especially him.

The magician hurried to the soaked Foo and awkwardly said: "Ahaha, sorry for that. I did not see you." Mumbling some words in order to summon what could only be called a utility drying spell, the man quickly dried Foo off.

"I was too focused in exercising my magic, and there you was, just popping up from nowhere." The man tried to explain.

With a fire in Foo's eyes that seemed like it could have taken care of the water that soaked him before, all on its own, was burning with passion as Foo grabbed the mans shoulders and excitedly asked: "You know magic?" Realizing that the question was kind of pointless, as he had already witnessed two occasions of his magic, Foo changed his question: "How do one learn magic?"

The man was completely freaked out at Foo's actions. Uncomfortably close and with a raging passion burning in his eyes, would would not be frightened to death?

Retreating back, escaping from Foo's viscous grasp while covering his ass with his hands, the man calmed down enough to be able to stutter an answer: "Y-y-y-you can't just learn magic" Finally distancing himself enough to feel moderately safe, and calming down as the nature of the questions suggest that he might have misunderstood Foo's intentions. Not that he were going to take any chances; the hands was still firmly protecting his butt.

Seeing that Foo respected his private space, he finally relaxed a bit. But still keeping his guard up, of course. Continuing the explanation he said: "To learn magic, you need a magic related class. Should you have such a class, the guide that helps with the awakening should introduce you to the magic society. And even if they do not introduce you, the magic society have their own ways to find people with such classes."

In response to that Foo thought: ``Seems like Wissian forgot to introduce me in all that commotion? Or did he conclude that I could not use magic after all? Or maybe a combination of both?`` As he had no contact yet, this man in front of him was the best way to gain introduction into the magic society.

The man then continued to ask: "What is your class anyway?" And as Foo opened his mouth to answer, he realized that he could not say it. ``No way that i am going to say that `I'm a hacker`` Foo thought, with an incoming headache.

Quickly thinking of a way to salvage this situation, he came up with the perfect response: "Ah, I have the [Techno Wizard] title." Looking for the man's response with huge expectation.

The man's face lit up and he exclaimed: "You got a Wizard title? That is really rare! Only few people with great potential gets a magic related title!" Suddenly rushing forward to grab Foo's shoulders, the man babbles on: "This is truly a good opportunity! I am currently here on my break from the academy to pick up my little sister. She had just had her awakening, and as she had the same `Wizard - Apprentice ` class as I have. I am going to have her enroll into the academy, and you could come too!"

Overwhelmed because of the man's enthusiasm, Foo tries to retreat some steps, but the man's grip was like a vice. Highly uncomfortable with the man's actions, Foo coughed lightly. A little startled, the man releases his grip and awkwardly takes a step back.

"Ah, excuse me. I just got so excited, as you get a referral award if you introduces someone with great potential to join the academy!" The man then grabs Foo's hand and drags him away.

"Lets quickly go and fetch my sister. She should just be saying goodbye to her friends, nothing important, so she should be ready to leave any minute now!" Without giving Foo any chance to reply, the man quickly drags him away down the streets.