Examination Time

As it was already daybreak, Foo made the old man keep the skull, and went for the siblings'... house? Although the skull seemed harmless, it was better for someone to keep an eye on it. And something seemed odd with it, as it gave no reactions, even though one knocked on it.

Foo was hoping that there were nothing wrong with it, as it did seem quite affable. If you ignored its flaws, such as trying to chew on your legs, or massacring villages...

The old man had assured Foo that the academy should have already decided on how to handle the emergency, and thus be able to hold the examinations. At external threats, the two sections usually agreed quite quickly, and only when the matter were under control would they plan on how to take advantage over the situation to increase their influence.

After a quick stroll, Foo arrived at the sibling's residence. Both Yorick and his little sister Odelia were both standing outside the residence, looking worried.

"Ah! There you are! Me and my sister were both worried that something had happened to you! Is everything alright?"

And with some curiosity, he looked at the old man.

"And who might this elder be?"

"Ahahaha, I'm nobody special, just an old man that got bored and decided to follow... this man here."

In the middle of the sentence, the old man realized that he did not know Foo's name. A bit embarrassing that he had decided to follow him, without even knowing his name.

"Ah, so you are a follower of Foo?", Yorick asked, surprised that Foo were already gaining followers before he had even taken the examination. Gaining followers were not that rare, as people with lacking potential decided to attach themselves to ones that they believed would soar in the future.

But this old man had made the decision really fast, it had not even gone a half day since they had arrived. And they did not yet know for sure that he would pass the examination.

Unaware of Yorick's thoughts, the old man sneakily jotted down the name Foo in his memories.

"You are late~!" Odelia chirped in. "They have already sent someone to tell us that we should take the examination now!"

Brimming with excitement, Odelia were jumping around, as if unable to stand still even for just a second.

"Alright then, lets go!" Foo replied, and they followed the old man to the location for the examination.

On the way there, the old man explained, "The examination is quite simple. If you have seen the adventurer ranking examination, then you will find it quite similar. In fact, the warrior examination is exactly the same. You basically—"

"Magic~! Magic~!", Odelia interrupted, clearly uninterested in the warrior content.

"Well, I will come to that later, but Foo will need to know about it."

"Pfft, as if he would need that. His fighting is godly!" Clearly remembering the incident with the hoodlums, she had complete confidence in Foo's chance of success.

"He knows how to fight?" The old man was stunned. He was convinced that Foo had no combat skills, based on the conversation that they had in their first meeting.

He was preparing to suggest that they should request a mage opponent. As Foo's body were rejecting magic, the mage could stand there for hours without any result.

Based on the fact that it was an examination, of course. Would it be a real fight, there were lots of ways to afflict indirect damage with magic. But in an examination they would just check the combat potential of his body, even allow him the optimal fighting situation.

The full rejection of magic was basically a ticket for enrollment, even if Foo somehow were to fail, they would surely find a way to let him enter anyway.

But now this little girl was stating that he was proficient in combat. And based on the look of her nodding brother, it seemed to be true.

"Then what sword skills does he know? How is his usage of them?"

"Sword skills?" Odelia asked, "He would not need any of that! He just need to use his mouth to finish them off till they go limp!"

Hearing the description, the old man's thoughts were all over the place, but seeing that it was a little girl that were giving such innuendo, he could only conclude that she was referring to speaking until they drop their aggression.

He truly hoped that she was just referring to speech. Oh god, what kind of man had he chosen to follow otherwise?

Clearly awkward with all aspects of this discussion, Foo then coughed and said, "The magic, tell us about the magic!"

Also wanting to shun such thoughts from his mind, the old man quickly explained, "Ah, yes. The wizard examination is tailored for wizards—"

At this remark, Foo could almost not help to retort, but he held himself back in the end.

"— and as such, there is no need for combat. You basically have to measure your magic skills. This is done by performing magic in a special area, which then measures it. Stuff like mana movement in the body and all that are taken into consideration, and the system will then show your potential."

"In case of Foo here," the old man smugly said, proud that he knew his name without needing him to introduce himself, "he would need his spirit to do some tricks, and it should be fine."

"Well, sounds simple enough," Foo said, "by the way, girl, what magic skills do you know?"

At the question, Odelia adorably tilted her head, and looked at Foo while blinking here big eyes.

"I do not know~?" she answered inquiringly.

An answer that left Foo speechless.

"Ah, " Yorick exclaimed, "when doing the examination, they will do a status screening. Then she will be able to see what skill she learned when she awoken. The awakening process does not give that kind of information."

This new information was like dropping a bomb. Did this mean that people normally cannot see the status pane? Then why could Foo see it? Was it because of some blessing, class or title? Or was it just because he was used to such a concept that he could interface with the system?

"You might have noticed that we are not exactly rich, and as such we can't afford any status stones." he continued.

Deciding to not disclose the issue about being able to see the status pane, Foo said, "Ah, I did not think of that!"

It was definitely a good idea to keep it a secret, else other might think he is cheating or something. How preposterous!

After a while, they reached the location of the examination. It was a building close to the gate that they had came through the day before.

The building was huge and imposing. A waiting room directly inside the huge doors, and a large examination room further in.

Walking up to the counter, Yorick greeted, "Greetings! This man and my sister here are here to take the wizard examination—"

But the old man interrupted, "In fact, this man is here to take the `Magic warrior` examination."

The receptionist blinked here eyes in confusion, before explaining, "This is the examination avenue for wizards and warriors. And there are no such thing as an examination for `Magic warriors`. If we ignore the fact that they are gone, it is something that were archived after some years in one of the sections."

Chuckling, the old man said, "Well, it have most likely never been taken, but if you check, you will find that it is indeed possible to take the examination to directly become a `Magic warrior`."

After doing some stuff behind the counter, the eyes of the receptionist lit up.

"Indeed, there is such a option! Are you sure you can qualify? This is so exciting; I will be able to witness the first examination for `Magic warrior`!"

Feeling the excitement in the air, but having absolutely no idea what they were talking about, Odelia exclaimed, "Yeeey~!" and seemed even more hyped up.

Finding things to get a little out of hand, Yorick then interrupted, "Ah, lets start with my sister first. A normal wizard examination."

Failing to hide her dissatisfaction, the receptionist pouted and said, "Alright, please touch the stone over there." While pointing at a glowing stone at the counter.

After Yorick lifted up his sister so that she could touch the stone, a message popped up in the air.


Name: Odelia

Class: Wizard - Apprentice

Skills: ❰Water Ball - Initiated❱


Seeing the lackluster amount of information, Foo breathed out in relief.

Just to be sure that there would not be anything... compromising popping up when it was his turn, Foo checked his own status pane.


Name: Foo

House: None



* Hacker - Active

* Cheater



* ❰Instant-draw cheese cutter - Mastered❱

* ❰Calculation- Mastered❱



* Adventurer: Rank F



* Gramps



* Lucifer



* {Blessing from the God of Earth}

* {Rejection of magic}



* [Techno Wizard] - Active

* [One man army]

* [Destroyer of worlds]

* [Cheater]

* [The bane of Gods]

* [Otherworlder]

* [Leader of a world]

* [Silver tongue]

* [More fatal than curses]

* [Glutton]

* [Devourer of worlds]

* [The one that are lost]

* [Screw the skill system]

* [Philanthropist]

* [One with the nature]

* [The Devil]

* [Polyglot]

* [The Saint]


Seeing that the entries with the `Active` labels were the ones he used before, he felt reassured.

Just when he was going to let his guard down, the receptionist turned a burning gaze towards Foo and said with a beaming smile, "Why not check you too. Here, here, put your hand on the stone here."

She basically snatched Foo's hand, and was moving it towards the stone. Then his hand made contact...