What Could Go Wrong?

When his hand were approaching the stone, Foo were starting to sweat. The quick snatching of his hand when he was dropping his guard caught him unprepared.

Although it was unlikely that something compromising, like some of his titles, would appear, it seemed that skills could. If the ❰Instant-draw cheese cutter❱ appeared, it would be truly embarrassing.

But at that moment, his hand had already touched the stone. There were nothing he could do to prevent it. Unless...

But any further thoughts were interrupted by the message that popped up in the air:


Name: [Techno Wizard] Foo

Class: Hacker


Which made Foo let out a breath of relief. But he was curious why the skills did not show up for him, although he was grateful that they didn't.

The old man were nodding his head, as this confirmed what Foo had told him. Odelia were tilting her head, confusion written all over her face at these unfamiliar words. Yorick were trying to emulate a profound look, in an attempt to hide his lack of knowledge.

The receptionist were slightly taken aback. Just the fact that he had a title were really rare. And she had never heard of the [Techno Wizard] title before. And the `Hacker` class were a first too.

"It does indeed seem like you have the qualification to take the `Magic Warrior` examination. With both a wizard title and a warrior class, it even have a chance to succeed!"

"But you do not have any initiated skills?"

"Hmm? Initiated skills? What is that?" Foo had only seen this term on Odelia's message just moments ago. But it seemed that this stone only showed skills that were `initiated`.

"Initiated skills are skills where you have the capability to use use the skill, but haven't reached any degree of accomplishment with it."

The explanation seemed logical. As it seemed that people could not see the status pane anytime the liked, there might be skills that they can use, but are unaware that they have.

As such, the examination offered to show such skills, which could then be used in the examination. And since Foo had mastered both of his sills, they were not shown.

In order to not linger too much on this subject, as that might come back to what warrior skills that he had, which would risk to expose the embarrassing name of the ❰Instant-draw cheese cutter❱ skill, Foo decided to advert their attention.

"Ah, great! Now lets get started with the girl's examination!"

The fact that he did not use her name was definitely not because he could not remember it. Definitely not.

In response, Odelia cheered, "Yeey~! Magic!", and started to run around in circles around them. She had only been able to study some simple notes about magic before, and only used a single magic scroll.

Both came from her brother, and as he was a bit lacking both economically and intellectually, the quality of them were not that good.

But despite this, she had come to be deeply in love with magic. And thus were excited when she had the opportunity to use real magic for the first time. It was always best to do it in a controlled environment.

Before the lively little girl started to climb the walls, the group then entered the examination area.

Organized by the receptionist, Odelia stood in the middle of the area, and the others were sitting at the spectator stands to the side to observe.

After getting the go signal, she struck a cute pose and yelled, "❰Water Ball❱", which caused a slight disturbance in the air in front of her open palm, and some drips of water that hit the floor.

"Shit! That is amazing!", Yorick exclaimed, "It took me really long time just to get as far as she got on her first try!"

"Indeed", the receptionist said while turning her gaze to the message that appeared in the air.


Wizard examination results

Examinee: Odelia

Potential: Top grade

Remarks: A rarely seen talent



"To think that she would be a top grade talent!", the receptionist exclaimed excitingly. It was quite rare, at least when talking about persons without a great bloodline and resources.

To compare it with Yorick for example... Never mind that, he would get too depressed. Lets just say that it was high enough to be comparable with even the talents that the school elders were grooming themselves.

The little girl then came running with a beaming smile. She had no idea what the stuff meant, but judging from the response from the group, it was most likely good.

"I did well~?", she asked, her cute big eyes begging for praise.

"You did great!", Yorick assured, torn between pure happiness and envy, the happiness easily won.

Being the one that everyone loved at the party, Foo said, "Well, you did well, but it was barely a small step forward, so continue to work hard!"

While Yorick was cursing Foo because he did not have to be so negative, Odelia put on a serious expression and solemnly nodded, "Indeed, I want to be able to do much more!"

Then she frowned and added, "And it kinda felt wrong. Like it was not supposed to be like that, and I had to force it."

"Ah, indeed you were using that crappy magic system that—", Foo explained, before he noticed that there were others around, and such he coughed and continued, "Ah is it my turn now?"

The receptionist that were frowning on Foo's earlier statement were quickly distracted. If the little girl was a top grade talent, then what about this man that were going to take the `Magic Warrior` examination?

In a blink of an eye, she had seated everyone again, and Foo found himself standing in the middle of the examination area. Greeted by the message from the system:


Magic Warrior examination

Examinee: Foo

Part: Magic

Instructions: Use your magic skills

Start in 10 seconds!


The counter quickly reached zero, and Foo made his move. ``Alright Lucifer! Showtime! Dazzle the system with your brilliance!``

With such a powerful spirit as Lucifer, what could possible go wrong?