Lucifer is Let Loose

Upon releasing Lucifer, a shadow emerged from Foo's body. It was still black and gave of an evil aura. However, compared to how it was in The Abyss, it was more like a clear pond.

Finally free from his confinement, Lucifer became excited.

"Muahahaha! Beware mortals! I Lucifer have finally broken out of The Abyss! After all long eons, I have finally arrived!"

Forming in the air around him were gatherings of miasma. And the whole surroundings were reeking of evilness.

Lucifer had regained his spirit when he realized that Foo were going to let him out. Back in The Abyss, he could easily break any casual made contract, although at a cost, and as such he had hoped that when he was released, he could break the contract and wreak havoc in the world.

If you thought for a bit, you would realize that this plan would even be better than the earlier invasion plan, as the passageway would still damage him if he used it himself. But because he was inside Foo, he incurred no damage at all.

The group of people at the spectator stands where frightened. Most of them had never felt such evilness. And the imposing sight sent shivers down their spines.

"I will bring death to this world! Soaking the ground in blood! I will—"


Wizard examination results

Examinee: Foo

Magic Used: Lucifer (spirit)

Potential: Trash

Remarks: Is such weak thing still a spirit? Is it not only a smelly fart?

Please try real magic!


There was silence.

However, the spectators could not contain their laughter for long. A loud fit of laughter erupted, in stark contrast to the earlier silence.

For a spirit that had such imposing airs around him, was called a fart by the system? Well, it did reek of evilness, and if the system was right, it was all bark and no bite.

"Shut up you mere mortals! How dare you mock the ruler of The Abyss!"

Lucifer had grand plans, but alas, he had not taken into consideration that all his miasma were dispelled when he first tried to posses Foo. Most, if not all, of his power were in the miasma, that he had gathered during countless millenniums.

But now, he was left without any miasma at all. And although he could still convert some mana around him, it was just a drop in the ocean. And even worse was that he felt some disgusting holy light corroding his being, making it hard to create the miasma.

He was able to suppress the corrosion, but it made him unable to bring out any true evilness, just a slight feeling of it.

All in all, he was currently quite powerless. How could a being such as Lucifer stand being that weak?

"What the heck are you doing?", Foo inquired, "Were you not some kind of top shot?"

He was a bit puzzled. No matter how dense he might seem at times, no one would miss that the spirits that he had encountered in The Abyss were probably the strongest ones of the spirit world.

As such, how could this one that was the leader of them all be so weak?

At the verge of tears, Lucifer accused Foo, "It is your fault! It was because you dispelled all my powers! And now you blame me?!"

He had been under the impression that being inside Foo's body was like a seal, suppressing his powers. But it turned out that his power had been completely purged.

Clearly remembering the instance when the miasma escaped from his body, Foo felt a bit awkward. It could maybe be said to be his fault, if you twisted the facts enough.

But Foo was depending on Lucifer's prowess to pass this examination. Luckily, there seemed that he could still try other magics. The question was how.

"Hey! You should still be able to use normal mana, right?"

"Hell no! There is no way that I, The Devil, would lower myself to use normal mana. The usage of mana is a sign that you can't condense enough miasma to use! There is no way that I would do something so humiliating!"

"But it seems that you can't condense enough miasma to use?"

"And whose fault is that?! Anyway, it was way too long since I used normal mana. There is no way that I can use it now."

Unsure if it was a lie or not, Foo was still convinced that he could not convince Lucifer to use mana like normal well behaved spirits would.

After massaging his forehead for a moment, he then had an idea.

Turning around to the receptionist, he shouted a question, "Hey! It is possible to use target dummies, right?"

As if picking up on his intent, a training dummy formed in the examination area.

"Yes, you just have to state the set up you need to show your powers, and it will be taken care of, if deemed acceptable." the receptionist shouted back, still struggling with sounding serious while using all her efforts to suppress her laughter.

Seeing that it could be arranged, Foo let out a sigh of relief, as his new plan could be used.

"Hey! Lucifer! Strike that training dummy while I distract it!"

At this strange request, Lucifer could only stare blankly at Foo.

"What do you mean strike it?! Did it elude you that you have already stripped me of my powers, I could barely cause a slight disturbance of the wind in my current state!"

"Any what the hell do you mean with distracting it?! It is barely nothing more than an elaborate scarecrow! It have no sentient at all! It is just meant to give us something to aim for!"

It was like distracting a normal stone while your partner sneaked past it... How did that make sense?

"We are pretending to be in combat! It is a mock battle! We are just showing off how we would act when we fought for real!"

Feeling that this spirit was a little slow on the uptake, Foo could only sigh in dejection.

"Just strike at it, it does not matter how weak it is, just strike it!"

Placing himself at a close distance to increase the distraction effect, Foo insisted that Lucifer should do his part.

Not wanting to waste his efforts on lecture Foo on the pointlessness of this plan, Lucifer could only do as told.

Lunging forward towards the training dummy, passing by Foo that now had his hand inconspicuously resting on the sword pommel, Lucifer struck at the training dummy, causing a small disturbance in the wind, even weaker than his speech earlier hinted at.

Just as Lucifer were about to turn to Foo and point out the uselessness of this action, he felt a sense of dread. With shivers down his metaphorical spine, he then noticed that the training dummy was cleanly split in two, and due to the slight disturbance of this attack, the top part were then sliding down.

Shocked speechless, Lucifer could only watch dumbly as the top part of the training dummy struck the floor.

In utter confusion, he could only think to himself, ``Did I cause that?``

Nodding at the expected result, Foo then said to no one in particular, "See, the magic of our collaboration were highly effective! We should definitely gain the highest grade for this examination!"




However, he did not get any result at all from the system. It seemed as if it was completely speechless.

Due to the lack of response, Foo started to become a bit anxious. He had uses the quite embarrassing ❰Instant-draw cheese cutter❱ to achieve this perfect result.

He even took the risk of the name being exposed, just to clear the examination. From this, one could see how much he wanted to learn this world's magic scripting.

However the system did not seem impressed at all. But at least it had not declared it a failure yet. That most mean that there was still hope? Or was it just shocked silly by Foo's shamelessness?

"At least it could be considered using magic as an distraction! Even if the power is low, if you utilize it correctly, the effects are great!" Foo then tried to reason.




But the system did not budge.

"Then you could look at my great illusion magic! It is truly magical to make it look like the feeble spirit could make such damage!"

In Foo's old world, illusionists were the only proper form of magicians after all, so making illusions should still count as magic in this world, right? And as such he should be able to pass the examination. The plan was flawless!




Having no other choice, Foo then exclaimed, "Screw it! I was trying to be considerate here, providing you ample excuses to accept that I used magic. But you just have to do this the hard way? In that case, maybe I should just construct some new forms of magic skills then? How would you like that?"

At the moment Foo had spoken, or maybe even earlier than that, the screen appeared in the air:


Magic Warrior examination results

Examinee: Foo

Part: Magic

Magic Used: Illusions

Potential: God tier

Remarks: Even gods would be in awe of your talent in making trash seems like treasures!



And Foo got another one for his own peruse:



Your mastery in the area of illusions have broken beyond the limits!

Title [The Illusionist] gained!


[The Illusionist]

One that distort the perception of truth


With a smug feeling, but also having that irking sensation that something did not go as originally planned, Foo went back to the spectators, leaving the stunned Lucifer behind.

Lucifer were not all that stupid, and based on the facts laid in front of him, he could perceive the truth.

Foo had only made him fake an attack, and had made the real attack himself. And based on the incredible means of making himself seem strong, the system recognized it as magic.

Based on the facts he had gathered, it seemed like Foo had used an impressive, although definitely not magical, sword technique to do the attack. But the fact that he made trash seem to have done the damage, the system gave him a `god tier` pass.


But there were no one left to hear him out, realizing that he could not convince anyone, he went to a corner to sulk.

In a gloomy mood, he continued to mutter, as if a mantra, "I am strong! I am the ruler! I am strong! I am true ruler! ..."