The Second Part

Joining the rest of the group, Foo had to wait for quite a while for them to stop twitching on the floor from laughter.

The more experienced persons present could roughly see what had happened. That poor hubristic spirit that seemed to be under the delusion that he was The Devil from The Abyss. And Foo somewhat tricking the examination to achieve never seen before results.

The spirit could have fooled them, had not the system exposed it. The spirit were so cute trying to act all powerful, but having no power to back it up.

Of course, the stuff that might have made the spectators think there was some truth behind the claims were spoken in the spirit language, which they of course did not understand.

And even if they would have understood the language, the conversation were too quiet and too far away for them to hear anyway. Only when the spirit held his arrival speech and when he later screamed, were his voice loud and using the standard language.

While the others laughed because of the interaction between the spirit and the system, Odelia laughed because the other laughed. The situation seemed a bit comical, and laughter were contagious, so even though she did not understand the situation, she was perhaps the one that laughed the most.

After the laughter had calmed down somewhat, Foo asked the receptionist, "Alright, there should now be time for the warrior part?"

"Ah, yes!" the Receptionist replied, sill trying to suppress her laughter.

"I contacted the warrior section when you registered. It seems like they will send in a high level adventurer that had once been a teacher here. He was here by chance on his way towards the capital, but they quickly decided to send in their best examiner."

"It is of course because the `Magic Warrior` examination is really rare. They would oppose anyone who would dominate in magic, ignoring the warrior part."

"So he is on his way then?"

"Indeed. He should be arriving any moment now."

Seeing there were some time left, Foo noticed Lucifer crying in a corner.

Walking up to Lucifer, he then tried to comfort him, it was just that it seemed that with every word of consolation, he sunk even deeper in depression. It might be because Lucifer was getting depressed over that someone had to console him, or it might be because that things like `Don't fret over the fact that you are trash, there might be some use of you anyway! Just look at your contribution to this examination!` was not really helping.

While Foo were doing his best to console Lucifer, the examiner had arrived and were talking with the group.

After hearing about the details of the `trash spirit`, he gave a hearty laugh. And when hearing that Foo had to hoodwink his way to pass the magic examination, he was brimming with joy.

To ensure the increased influence of the warriors, if there were a `Magic Warrior`, he had to have the warrior side as his focus. Or even better were if the magic side somehow were discarded in its entirely.

They had done some unsuccessful attempts at usurping the control of the third section after the last `Magic Warrior` had disappeared. But never had any success in making any warrior of their own pass the magic part.

It might be because they did not want to learn magic, as that would distract them from the warrior training. And because the mages would not teach them anyway.

The `Magic Warriors` were indeed more powerful, but maybe due to the envy the top-shots in the other sections had due to their inability to reach it themselves, the shared sentiment were that one should keep their arts pure, and not mix in inferior things.

Anyway, because someone had requested the examination, it must mean that they had some confidence in the warrior test. And as it seemed that they had no affinity with magic, were they to excel in the warrior test they would be a huge asset to the warrior section. As they might finally get their hands on the third section.

Of course, were he too weak of in other ways unfit from a warrior perspective, they would also oppose him.

After laughing his fair share, the examiner looked around and found Foo crouching with his back towards him in a corner, conversing with his spirit.

As Foo was still in the area, the examiner activated the second test. Seemingly wanting to test Foo's reaction to surprises.


Magic Warrior examination

Examinee: Foo

Part: Warrior

Examinee's rank: Adventurer (F)

Examiner: Adventurer (former teacher)

Examiner's rank: Adventurer (E)

Expected grade: Top grade

Combat experience: The heavens are shivering

All damage, including deaths will be reset at the end of the examination. Please do not hold back!



But the stunned one were the examiner. After a quick glance at the message in the air, he was rooted on the spot.

After some minutes, cold sweat began its escape from his body. A couple of minutes later he were completely drenched.

``Shit! Why did I have to encounter him here?! Just because I decided to stop by the academy on the way to the capital!``

Indeed, this was one of the drunkards at the scene of Foo's adventurer ranking examination. Not a single second went past without him shivering remember that moment.

Just the name `Foo` were permanently etched into his mind. Whenever it was mentioned, he would always be prepared to flee. It was definitely not safe around him, as even an unintentional sentence could almost kill someone.

So far, he had only seen the back of the person, and read his name. But there were no doubts that it was the same person. Who else could possible get the remark `The heavens are shivering` when describing the combat experience?

And being F ranked adventurer around here were really rare! Just the fact that he was in the City of Beginnings on a visit despite being a E ranked adventurer was rare, not to talk about higher ranks.

He had been low-key during his stay in the City of Beginnings. If he had been less low-key, with his status as a former teacher, it would not be impossible that he would be chosen as the examiner. Anyone could have imagined the pitiful fate he would have then.

The branch master were of the same rank as him, and were so utterly devastated without any efforts. He praised his luck, that let him of the hook, every second that went by since that moment.

But now he just had to insist in doing the warrior part of the examination with Foo?! Was he tired of living!?

Luckily, Foo was busily speaking with the spirit, and as such the examiner could still ensure his survival.

"Such exceptional skill! Very strong! I give up!"

Without remaining any second longer, he rushed out of the building, heading at his highest speed towards the teleportation circles.


Magic Warrior examination results

Examinee: Foo

Part: Warrior

Potential: Top grade

Remarks: Bully!



Noticing the commotion, Foo turned and asked, "Did something happen?"

The others were stupefied because of what had just happened. It they thought Foo cleared the magic examination due to hoodwinking the system, what was this?

He did not even do anything, and the examiner admitted defeat and run away in panic, as if the great Devil from The Abyss were chasing him.

The ones in the know could see that somehow Foo got a higher adventurer rank, but that was not a reason for the examiner to escape. They could make plenty of modifications to the examination in order to still be able to find out his strength.

As the group were trying to make sense of the situation, Lucifer sneezed.