Everyone Gone Mad

After being told of what happened, Foo realized that the examiner must have gone mad. There were no other explanation.

This examination was of uttermost importance after all, and the exterminator seemed to be quite important. To neglect his duties... There were no reasonable explanations at all!

Especially not being frightened of Foo. No chance at all. He was so innocent and low key.

While Foo were in denial, the old man spoke to the receptionist.

"Ehh... This was not how I expected things to go. But Foo have cleared both the examinations, right? And thus able to enroll as a `Magic Warrior`?"

"Indeed... Although I am still dubious of both results, he must have some skills to be able to reach so far!"

Realizing that it might be even more impressive to fool the system than to pass the normal way, the eyes of the receptionist began to sparkle.

"In fact, it is godly! And just look at the first remark, even the system is awed!"

After having giggled over how silly the examiner looked when he run away, the little girl Odelia were also seemingly awed, jumping around and chanting "Godly~! Godly~!"

After convincing himself that he was as innocent as you can be, Foo joined the conversation.

"In that case, I should be a proper student now, right?"

"Well..." the receptionist said while looking up the results. "There seems to be a problem..."

"What? I passed both examinations flawlessly!"

After the silence caused by the shameless man before them, the group decided to let it go. Better not retort to it.

"Come on, do not leave me in suspense here! What is wrong?"

"Ah, it seems like the system have flagged your examinations results as `Needing manual approval`... I have never seen that before..."

"Manual approval? The heck! When did the system get so responsible!?"

After coughing lightly, the receptionist responded, "Err... The system we talk about here can actually be called a construct from the Legendary Scholars, as such it is not surprising that it responds sensible at your... eh... creative solutions..."

"Legendary Scholars?" Foo asked. Normally he was not that interested in boring history, but this time it seemed to be related to creative ways of using the system. As such, he urged her to continue.

"Ah, yes. The Legendary Scholars are the group of scholars that established the academy. Legends says that they sacrificed their lives in order to integrate the academy with the system."

``Eh? Sacrificing? Did this mean that in order to abuse... no, wait. In order to USE the system, you would have to give up your life? What crap was this?``

Seemingly aware of his thoughts, the receptionist explained, "It seems like that it is possible to modify the system. For example creating things like the examination systems. But in order to do so, you will have to sacrifice your life."

At this bit of information, Foo had a shiver down his spine. Did this not mean that if he had tried to modify the system earlier, or trying to exploit it, it might be perceived as if he wanted to make the sacrifice of his life?

As such he would risk death if he were to mess around too much with the system? Luckily Foo were not one that would cheat. Definitely not. He was as innocent as a newborn lamb. Just look at his spotless past. No, wait! Don't do that!

Anyway, luckily Foo had not done too much exploi.... exploring of the system. And it seemed that he should be even more careful in the future. At least until he gained more information about this.

After asking some questions he realized that there were basically no information about the details. Even the current heads of the academy were unlikely to know about it. The only information that were available were the legends.

But Foo were confident of being able to proceed without cheating. That was his original intent after all. To stroll around the world, relying on his skills to do what he want.

It was just that he had this extreme desire to learn the `scripting` of this world. Although he had a slight urge to... fix that problem in a more efficient way, he might now have to get serious if he could not rely on being able to mess with the system.

While Foo were busily worrying about this and that, Lucifer seemed to have awoken from his depression and were now stealthily approaching the group unnoticed, with a devious glint in his eyes...

-- Meanwhile, in the residence of the leader of the warrior section --



Manual approval for the `Magic Warrior` examination needed!


Startled awake from some complex plots of how to win in the war of recruiting people with special body constitutions, the man exclaimed, "Huh? What is this?"

He had never seen such a message before. But after following the instructions that the system gave him, he saw a view of Foo's magic examination.

Silence filled the room after he had watched it. Only to be filled with laughter after some moments.

"HAHAHA! That must be the most hilarious thing that I have ever seen! To pass the magic examination by using warrior skills! And even more interesting is that I do not even recognize the skill he used! I can only see that it is some kind of instant-draw skill, and definitely not any magic at all!"

Unaware that he seemed to be a bit crazy, talking to himself, he continued, "He is perfect! To be able to circumvent the requirement of using magic! Even the approach of using a spirit were quite novel!"

The warriors had long wanted to gain the extra recognition of being a `Magic Warrior`, but had not succeeded after the conflict between the sections. This Foo were the perfect example of their desires.

Unfortunately, he realized that this `Manual approval` would definitely also include the head of the wizard section, and as such he would be unable to use a similar tactic.

They would definitely refuse anyone from their section that would need such approval, and he would definitely deny all of theirs.

After then looking at the warrior examination, he got even more impressed. F rank? And others might be confused by the examiners reaction, but he had talked with him just some minutes before, and thus heard of Foo's earlier achievements.

Putting together the facts, he decided that this would be the perfect pawn. As such, he approved the results. Only lamenting that the wizard side would probably not agree...

-- Meanwhile, in the residence of the leader of the wizard section --

"Why have we not heard from them yet?" an old man with a slightly creepy face asked another entity, covered completely in a black robe that seemed to momentarily assimilate with the shadows, flickering in and out of existence.

"They should have completed it by now, but there have been no news. Any attempts to contact them have failed. There seems to be some weird kind of disturbance."

"Shit! We have waited for so long! What could—"



Manual approval for the `Magic Warrior` examination needed!


Suddenly interrupted, the old man watched the recording of the examinations.

"It can't be! It succeeded?! But this was not as planned!"

Approving the results before he could even think more about it, he then turned to the shadowy being.

"Quickly! Figure out what happened!"

As the shadow made a sound of affirmation and vanished, the old man exclaimed in excitement, "The time might finally be here! But something seems wrong..."

-- And back at the examination site --

As the group were deciding to head back to the reception area to finalize Odelia's results and await Foo's, the old man suddenly fell with his face witting the ground.


He had apparently fallen due to someone tying his feet with a improvised rope, procured from scavenging the seats in the spectator stands.

With a evil laughter, Lucifer snuck back into Foo, proud that he could still terrorize the earth when utilizing all of his power.

All the thoughts of how pathetic his actions were, and how weak he was, was all drowned by his evil laughter, "Muahahahahahaha!!"