The Results

Leaving the swearing old man behind, they continued towards the reception area. And when they arrived, the receptionist formally declared that Odelia had passed the examination and passed her an identity token. She had also been assigned to the elite class.

While the others were busy congratulating Odelia, Foo got another system message:



You have passed the `Magic Warrior` examination!

You are now a student of the academy!


Before he could reflect on the short message, another one came up:



As the highest ranking person of the `Magic Warrior School`, with no other candidates, you are assigned as the section head!


``Eh? What is this? I was just trying to gain access in order to learn about this `scripting`, but why does it sound like I am expected to do lots of administrative work too?!``

While rubbing his temples, he hoped that he was just overthinking things.

While everyone were busily doing nothing remotely productive, someone who were actually doing their work suddenly rushed in.

"Ah! I have come to inform Foo that there have been an academy assembly regarding his admission to the academy. If you would please follow me!"

As such, everyone quieted and looked questioningly at the new arrival. As Foo had not informed them on his messages, they logically assumed that it might be part of the approval process.

Seeing new hope, as the elders of the other sections were likely to oppose him having the standing of a section head, Foo motioned for the group to follow, "Then lets go!"

The position as a section head was not as good as it might seem. Some people would just see it as a honorable position to strive for, but never reach. But other people could see the truth; it would just weight you down with lots of responsibilities.

And as Foo were only here on a temporary stop to learn about the `scripting`, he could not be tied down by such a position. The quality of the academy was not that great after all.

Well, to the people here, it might be stretching beyond the clouds in the sky, but Foo realized that it was like children playing house compared to the real deal in this world.

And Foo were not one to be satisfied to mediocre things when there were fancier ones around the corner. However, he had to stay for a bit, in order to learn the things that he wanted.

All in all, Foo had the perfect plan. As the others would oppose him being in the position of the section head, he could use his resignmet as leverage to learn the stuff that he wanted.

Basically, when they went `Omigosh, you are too young and stuff!` he could just reply with a `Ah, I do realize that such an honorable position should be occupied by someone with more experience. As such, I would be willing to step back as long as you help me to the knowledge of the scripting that we have. After all, learning is more valuable.`

Well, he might have to flatter them a bit more, and change the wording a bit. But the idea was solid. It would definitely allow him to escape from the responsibilities and at the same time learn about the `scripting`. Two birds with one stone.


While Foo were busily planning his... honorable retreat from the responsibilities that were suddenly thrown at him, the group were busily whispering about the reason that Foo were asked for, and what the approval process would contain and its outcome.

For some reason, the receptionist had also joined the crowd, and was busily trying to look like she had not at all abandoned her post in order to have some work unrelated fun.

When they all approached the hall of the elders, the old man that had caught up had a solemn expression.

As the person that had fetched them opened the doors, he was just about to declare that the others had to stay outside and go through some rules, but before he had the time to speak, Foo had already entered, and the group hurriedly followed.

They all left the poor man standing there with his mouth open. ``The hell? Who in their right mind would just barge in like that? This is the hall of elders that we are talking about!``

Doubting the sanity of the group, as it was a bit similar to stepping on the dragon's tail to just barge in, the man could only lament the fact that it might be seen as his fault to not have prepared them enough.

Who would have thought that they would just rush in the second that he opened the door? The act were only to allow the elders inside to hear that they had arrived, and as such be prepared.

But now that they had no prior warning, they would definitely get upset at the man. Even if it might look like a minor matter, the man knew for sure that he was in a really bad position.

If nothing else, then it was because the world seemed to always be out to make things difficult for him. Why else were he the errant boy instead of studying? Although the position was quite high, he could only brag to the unsuccessful students.

As he lammented his bleak future, he had only one thought; ``Please wreak so much havoc that the elders forgets about me!``