Chapter 29: A Surprising Encounter

I might have a thing with encountering troubles on my way back from shopping.

It is certainly on my mind as I finish peeling a Clementine.

As I was on my way back home after buying two dozen Clementines, I saw several men leave an alleyway and stand in my way.

I don't have such a protagonist syndrome that I'd always believe to be the target of elaborated ploys, but the fact that there is no one else around and they insistently stare at me does not leave much place for doubt.

Unknowingly, I had stopped walking a few seconds ago.

I take a Clementine segment and put it in my mouth.

It's damn good. I prevent myself from smiling from the sweetness.

Not knowing what to say, I avoid saying anything and keep a confident face. My bet is that should I not say anything, they would break the silence themselves.


Sure enough, it doesn't take long before one of them speak up: