

"My best friend..." He says. Woah.....He's in love with his best friends girl

"Really...." I say


"Wow...." I say on accidently. I didn't mean for it to come out.

"Does that make me a bad person?" He asks.

"No.....It's just that sucks Kiatsu I'm sorry..." I finally get out

"Hey it will be alright." He says. "What about you? Do you love anyone?"

"No, and maybe I never will. My school is full of idiots and all." I say.

"Well thats good your too young for love." He says.

"Hey your only a one year older than me!" I yell.

He just chuckles. "I know but I am 15. You are still a child."

"Funny joke. You act like a kid." I say as a come back.

"Yeah right." He says in doubt. "What about Kotoko? Do you know if she has any crushes."

"No...Or I dont know if either of them do." I say looking at both of them running around in the grass. "I don't think they even know what a crush is."

He laughs. "I hope they don't."

"Same. I mean that worries me sometimes. I feel like I'm their parents sometimes. I mean I worry about Kotoko falling for a guy and getting hurt. Or Naokatsu and what if he gets heart broken."

"Hey all good cousins thinks about that kind of stuff." He says.

"Hehe like I'm a good cousin." I say.

"You are I wish I had a cousin like you when I was younger because you actually care." He says and I get this good feeling inside of me. I am a good cousin.....I am so happy that Im a good cousin....

"Thanks." I say.

"No thank you for being here for Kotoko." I hear some sadness in his voice.

"AIKO!" I hear Naotkatsu yell.

"Yes?" I say getting off of Kaitsu.

"I want a late night snack!" He says frowning.

"Ok come on I will plate you some of grandma's rice." I say as I get up. He takes my hand. Grandma's seafood fried rice. Everyone's favorite. I put a bunch in a bowl and a couple plates.

"OHHH That's grandma Mayata's rice?" He says.

"Uhm duh." Says Naokatsu.

"Well it's the best." He smiles.

"You catch on fast Batman." I say as we all go upstairs.

50 minutes later..

"Aiko?" Naokatsu says.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Do you have any crushes?" He asks me. All I think is how does he know about that he's only 5. And right after me and Kiatsu thought they didn't know about that.

"Uhmmm well....." I start and then Kiatsu over here laughs. I punch him. I told him outside about my complicated life that I dont really have anyone to like.

"Of course she does.....It's Kiatsu." Kotoko says. I look at him and he looks stoned in the face and starts to get red.

"Kotoko we are family!" He says.

"Well it sure looked like you two were into each other outside....." She says. Oml Kotoko.....

"What you're only 6 how do you know this stuff!!" Satoko says laughing.


"Yeah because she is lonely." Kiatsu laughs.

"SHUT UP!" I yell and punch him in the gut.

"OW!" He screeches.

That was probably the best night of my life.....at the end before he left.....

"I want to stay in touch Aiko." He gives me his phone and I type in my number.

"Bye.....I love you" I gave him a hug and I felt him squeeze me tight. I wish that night would have lasted forever but I didn't know....I didn't understand....I wish I did....I wish I did to make that night the best to make the most out of it....but I didn't.....

He started to walk away and I wanted to run after him. All of a sudden he turns to me.

"Aiko....Can you remember something."