
Wait....Don't go....

"Yes I say." He walks toward me again and takes my hand. He drops something in it and closes my hand.

"Something special for someone special. And don't forget tha-" -HONK- His dad's car goes.

"COME ON KIATSU WE GOT TO GO!" He yells out the window.

He looks at me sadly and runs to the car. I want to yell don't go and hug him. He gets me and he is the only one who does. I watch them drive off and the whole time he drives away Kiatsu doesn't take his eyes off of me. I wave and he smiles. I always miss that smile. As I can't see their car I open my hand. A necklace with a gold plate shaped like a heart charm that says cousin. Where did he even get this? Did he know he would meet someone today? Did Kotoko tell him about me? So, many questions. I turn the heart charm over and it says special. I quickly put it on. I took my hand to feel the charm around my neck and all I can do is smile.

"Aiko ready to go?" My mom asks.

"Yes, Mom." I say and go inside to say bye to my family.

Naokatsu runs up to me I crouch down to his level and he gives me a huge hug goodbye.

"I love you Aiko." He says. I know he does. I wish I could see him more often but I can't. He lives in Kyoto. 6 hours away from Tokyo where I am I feel a tear go down his face.

"Hey, I love you too. No crying you will see me again for New Years. Grandma's New Year Udon ok?" I smile for him and squeeze him tightly.

"Ok..." He looks disapointed. I didn't know what else to say I mean we visit once and while but yeah I miss out on the kids childhood sometimes. I didn't even get to see his first steps and his dad is my godfather. I get up and smile at him.

"Goodbye my kid flash." I say.

"Wait Aiko."

"Yes Naokatsu?"

"Why don't I know Kiatsu?"

"Naokatsu....I didn't know him either...." I say in disapointment and he frowns. "Hey, we will see him again ok. Naokatsu don't be sad I will tell him you love him ok?"

"Ok..I love you Flash."

"I love you too and Merry Christmas." I say and kiss the top of his head.

I get into my car and I hear a buzz from my pocket. It was Kiatsu texting me. I opened my phone

Kiatsu: Hey Aiko.

Me: Oh Hey is this Kiatsu?

Kiatsu: Yeah...

Me:Thanks for tonight and that necklace....

Kiatsu: So you liked it?

Me: Without a doubt....But how did you know.....When did you get it.....

Kiatsu: Well, me and kotoko were shopping yesterday and she told me to get it that I would probably like one of our cousins and we would be best friends funny how she was right

Me: Yeah she was...Thanks again

Kiatsu: No Problem.

Me: So, You and Kotoko....Are you two like Half brother and sister?

Kiatsu: Ya....My dad left I live with my mom

Me: Sorry for Prying.

Kiatsu: It's ok. I will tell you anything....Your like my favorite cousin.

Me: I just came up with a great idea,


Me: Well we are both each other's favorite cousin. So, We should be BFTF's and that will be our titles.

Kiatsu: Bftf???

Me: Best Friend in The Family.

Kiatsu: Omg....Yes! Let's do it

(Changed Contact to BFTF Kiatsu)

Me: Well I have to get to bed.

BFTF Kiatsu: Same

Me: Goodnight Kiatsu, Sweet Dreams, Love you BFTF

BFTF Kiatsu: Goodnight Aiko, Sweet Dreams, And I love you too BFTF.

Me: And Merry Christmas

Bftf: Merry Christmas

Bftf: Wait Aiko...