

Me: Uhm yeah what is it....

Bftf: Never mind I will tell you later

Me: ok...

Bftf: Uhm Goodnight Aiko.

Me: Good night Kiatsu

What....What was he gonna say.... That's all I could think about.....And I didn't think it would be days till he told me what he wanted to. He stalled maybe because he didn't want me to get hurt maybe it was just because he wasn't ready....I still don't even have the guts to ask him even after he told me and after everything me and him have gone through. I was up all night thinking why did he stall. Was he scared. Did he still not trust me because he seemed to trus tme on the spot earlier. I think now he just didn't want to hurt me or ruin my life but it didn't matter I knew he would tell me. He loves me and he trusts me I didn't have doubt in that.

I wanted to hear his voice.....So that next day was full of texting. We texted till late at night....That went on for several days.....but to me that wasn't enough. I wanted to hear his deep voice I trusted. I wanted to hear him and his laugh. I wanted to know if he was all right. Maybe even Kotoko will pick up or she will talk to me or hear her baking in the background. Then One day late at night.... I called him...all I could think was please answer come on notice me....And he picked up

"Bftf?" I asked

"Aiko?" He said.

"Yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice." I say through the phone.

"It's nice to hear your voice too Aiko." He giggles.

"You know your the only cousin I trust on my dad's side." I say. "The other ones don't get what it's like to be me. But you try to. I mean they get mad at me wearing leather and Beanies. They get mad at me for wearing converse. And they always want to give me a make over which is real shit." I explain.

"I get it. Your the only one on my Dad's side too...." he says. I smile.

"Thank you for the necklace I haven't taken it off." I say feeling the charms.

"Hey it's no problem your my bftf that's all I could do for everything you have done." He says.

"Hehe sure. You barely even know me." I say in doubt.

"Hey hey hey you made me happy so don't act that way. I love you for real ok." He says and I smile

We talked all night that night....But I will never forget the way that conversation ended.

"Aiko?" Kiatsu started.

"Yes Kiatsu." I replied.

"I need to tell you something tomorrow you can't tell anyone you can't tell my sister our cousins or anyone even if you trust them with your life." My heart beated fast what was he talking about? At the time I didn't know....How could he not tell me from the beginning is all I could think now.

"Kiatsu.....What do you mean....." I hear him sigh.

"You will know soon enough....." He says. My heart beats faster. The he says goodnight and I love you....What is he gonna tell me.....Well he was to tell me the truth.