
Chapter 11 ~ Kiatsu.......

"Yes?" I reply.

"Where is Kiatsu...." I hear Naokatsu's voice shatter. Sakura and Kai look at me sadly.

"Uhm I don't know...." I say my voice as sad as his. I wish I did I wish he could be here. I know it would mean so much to Naokatsu. My heart sinks I don't know those words haunt me. His name haunts me.

"So, he's not coming..." Naokatsu looks sadly disapointed.

"Here tell you what I will FaceTime him right now and you can tell him what happened and you guys can talk how does that sound?" I ask smiling hoping he feels better.

"Yeah! Ok!" He perks.

I FaceTime him and he picks up.

"Hey Aiko what's up?" He asks. Looking at me confused

"Someone wants to talk to you." I say smiling and he smiles as he sees Naokatsu but then notices where we are.

"Woah little dude what happened to you?" He exclaims in happy way.

"I fought a monster." He explains and tells him the whole story.

"He's so brave!" Kai says.

"Who is that?" Kiatsu notices that there are more people in the room.

"Oh yeah this is my friend Kai and Sakura." I say facing the phone to them and they smile and wave.

"Oh....Okay." He says.

"You are Kiatsu?" Sakura asks.

"Yeah...why?" He replied with a question. Dude really.

"Well, your just cuter than I imagined." She says and I notice Kai get red. What's with him. The she slightly nudges Kai in the elbow with hers and he smiles.

"Wow Aiko your friends have good taste in guys obviously." he says smirking as he sees me.

"Ewww...." I mumbled.

"Haha I heard that." Kiatsu laughs.

"But aren't you with Kai Aiko?" I hear Naokatsu ask me and Kiatsu turn to him. then turn to them and turn to him again

"What no!" Me and him say in unison. Naokatsu just laughs. I see Sakura blush. What the hell?

"Naokatsu where are you?" Kiatsu asks.

"Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital." He says. "My dad said your dad said you were busy."

"Oh.....uhm..... well somethings cleared up." He says.

"Uhm I need to talk to Kiatsu alone for a moment give me a second." I say as I step out of my room with the phone.

"Is there anyway you can make it here..." I say quietly I hear Naokatsu laughing with Sakura and Kai.

"Maybe...." He says. "Probably not..." He sounds disappointed like he wants to be here.

"Hey it's fine the doctor said he can't leave." I frown. He looks upset.

"Come on let's talk to him some more." We get back in the room.

"Kiatsu I have a joke for you!" He says as I enter with the phone.

That night was full of giggles and fun times. Me and my friends accidently fell asleep there. Me I layed my head on Naokatsu. Sakura and Kai were cuddling on the couch with one light blanket while I had a soft one big one shared with Naokatsu it was a great night talking to Kiatsu. Sakura and Kai were so happy sometimes embarrased it was like we were all cousins. Like we were finally all family together all together.

"Morning sleepy heads." I hear. I see someone... What! No this can't be happening.