
Chapter 12 ~ Surprise?

"What no this is a dream...." I say. I see him....tall....Hair in a beanie again.....Converse high tops.....Leather jacket.....black ripped jeans...and a red marvel shirt.....Kiatsu...

"It's not Aiko." He says smiling at me. I tear up and get up. As soon as I'm steady I give him a huge hug. "Surprise?"

"Kiatsu.....I love you...." I say hugging him tightly and his arms wrap around me and squeezes me.

"I love you too Aiko." he starts and then whispers in my ear. "I brought donuts." Naokatsu slightly wakes up.

"K-kiatsu?" He questions rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah bud I'm here." he smiles at him and Naokatsu perks up.

"Oh my god, It's really you!" He says smiling ear to ear. Kiatsu.....thank you.....for bringing that smile to his face.....and the donuts.

"Yeah it is and with Donuts." He exclaims smiling. Sakura and Kai slightly wake up.

"Kai I heard donuts!" He wakes.

"Huh? What's going on?" Sakura says getting off of Kai's shoulder slowly and waking up.

"W-wait are you Kiatsu?" Kai asks.

"Yeah, and your Kai correct and Sakura?" He asks.

"Yeah." Sakura yawns.

"Talk about a family reunion." Kai smiles.

"Now let's eat some donuts." Kiatsu smiles.

We smile. We talk. We laugh. Hours past.

"Hey Aiko can we talk?" He asks while everyone else is laughing.

"S-sure." I stammer out. We both walk out and he hugs me.

"Hey listen about my dad I know it's hard to believe. I'm sorry for bringing you into this." He tears up. I pull away from his hug and I wipe his tears.

"Hey hey hey, don't be sorry. I love you and I believe you. Look your dad isn't the nicest to me and anyone else." I admit. "And hey you didn't drag me into this I'm glad I'm in this now. Now your no longer alone in this you have me." I give him a sly smile.

"Thank you." He says and wraps his arms around me.

"Anytime." I say. "I love you and you can hit me up whenever just tell me and most of all I'm here for you whenever you need this.

"Thank you....You're right....I'm finally not alone...." He stammers and cries a bit I wipe his tears and try to stay strong. "How are you so strong..." He asks.

Then I remember everything...I hold everything inside.

"Well...I've had practice holding everything inside..." I confess.

"Well now you don't have to...I will be here Aiko....for you....and I will do anything for you just like I would for my sister..." He smiles and I tear up and start to cry finally....I don't have to be strong...I don't have to be the bigger person anymore...finally a safe place he's here for me and I'm here for him....Finally someone that cares.....He wipes my tears and I smile.

"Thank you....." I say and we hug each other. For a couple minutes we just hug not saying a thing.

"I love you so much Aiko....." I hear him whisper a bit and I hear his heart beat.

"I love you more Kiatsu....." I say. I need to stay strong all the time but now I can finally be weak. I can cry and he won't think I'm crazy. I don't have to take care of him and push my feelings away. I can actually cry and have feelings while helping him because he understands and I didn't know why until the hospital. He was just like me...He loved superheros....He loved his family so much and his friends he would push his feelings aside for them....He would feel alone....Just like me....Kiatsu got me because he was just like me....And finally he had someone and so did I....We had each other....

I open the door to the room but then he takes my hand stopping me.

"Aiko....There is one more thing...."