
Chapter 14 ~ Trouble

"Kiatsu!" He yelled.

"D-dad..." He stuttered.

"Uncle!" Naokatsu smiles.

"Hey, Naokatsu! Wow look at you brave boy!" He smiles. Uncle Kioko....I hate him....How can he be like that to Kiatsu and his family and still act like his dad....

"Haha thanks."

"May I speak to you outside Kiatsu." He says seriously at Kiatsu.

"Yes father..." He says looking not sad but a little mad but I can tell it's hurting him he's trying to stay serious like he doesn't care. He looks at me and shrugs a bit. I choke back the tears for Naokatsu's sake. He walks out of the room and so does his dad behind him. Kai looks at me with that face saying I should go after him.

"I'm gonna get some snacks." I say. I take some money from my mini backpack. I walk out and they are right in front of the door.

"Sorry just getting some snacks a the vending machine down the hall." I smile even though I want to punch his ass. I grasp the money in my hand harder and walk away. As I walk to the vending machine fastily.

I type in the vending machine and watch them talk his dad looks furious that he's here. I take the 5 bags of chips and soda as I walk back that's when -BAM- He slaps him right across the face. Kiatsu doesn't flinch barely moves once his dad walks to the elevator and goes down back to lobby. I drop everything and run to him as he collapses to the ground.I hold him in my arms as he tears up on the floor. I see the red palm on his face. God I hate him. I place my hand on where he slapped him and I see him twitch a bit then he starts to cry.

"All I wanted was to be here for the little guy..." He confesses. "Aiko....I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Hey hey hey it's ok." I say.

"No I know it hurts you too." He cries and he is right it hurts me to see him hurting but that's not his fault.

"Hey it's not your fault. And yeah, of course I want to slap him back. I don't want to see you hurt. And yeah that hurts me but it's not your fault he's a jerk idiot." I reasure him.

"He said that I better get home to my mom tonight or He's coming to pick me up and drop me off there." He says.

"Hey it's fine I got to get home tonight too. I'm gonna be here though for him." I say. "If you can't be here I have to be I need to stay for him."

"You are so strong." he says and I start to cry.

"I'm weak....You just don't see it...." I stammer. I am the weakest person anyone will ever meet. I want to stay strong for everyone and they all think I am strong but Im weak.

"Come on let's go inside before Naokatsu worries." He says. We get up off the floor and I sit next to Kai and Kai holds me in his arms. Thank you Kai. He knows what I'm feeling but then Kia lets go and gets up and moves next to Sakura. Kiatsu sits next to me and holds me in his arms instead. Then I feel safe. He doesnt make eye contact with me but I can still see the redness in his face. He's so comfotable though makes me feel safe. I trust him.

"Kiatsu...." Naokatsu starts. "Are you ok?"